
crumple [ˈkrʌmpl]  [ˈkrʌmpəl] 






crumple 基本解释

及物动词弄皱; 碎裂

不及物动词崩溃; 变皱; 破裂

名词压痕; 皱痕

crumple 相关例句


1. The enemy crumpled under our attacks.

2. The disease crumpled him.

3. At the first punch, his opponent crumpled to the floor.


1. The old lady crumpled and fell on the street.

2. Some kinds of material crumple more easily than others.

crumple 网络解释


1. 皱纹:Constellation:星星; | Crumple:皱纹; | Distress:碎裂;

2. 弄皱:crumple up 起皱 | crumple 弄皱 | crumpled 摺皱的

3. 折皱:Constellation星座、Cracks裂纹(新) | Crumple折皱 | Electrify触电

4. 使皱:rumple 使皱 | crumple 使皱 | lug 强 ,拖

crumple 词典解释

1. 压皱;(使)变皱;(使)起皱
    If you crumple something such as paper or cloth, or if it crumples, it is squashed and becomes full of untidy creases and folds.

    e.g. She crumpled the paper in her hand...
    e.g. The front and rear of the car will crumple during a collision.

His uniform was crumpled, untidy, splashed with mud.

2. (因受到惊吓等)瘫倒
    If someone crumples, they collapse, for example when they have received a shock.

    e.g. His body crumpled...
    e.g. He immediately crumpled to the floor...

3. (指脸突然)沮丧地皱起,哭丧着脸
    If someone's face crumples, they suddenly look very disappointed or as if they want to cry.

    e.g. She faltered, and then her face crumpled once more.

相关词组:crumple up

crumple 单语例句

1. crumple

1. When a trend hangs around long enough, even initial resisters become accustomed and eventually crumple.

crumple 英英释义


1. crumple的近义词

1. become wrinkled or crumpled or creased

    e.g. This fabric won't wrinkle

    Synonym: rumple wrinkle crease crinkle

2. to gather something into small wrinkles or folds

    e.g. She puckered her lips

    Synonym: pucker rumple cockle knit

3. fold or collapse

    e.g. His knees buckled

    Synonym: buckle

4. fall apart

    e.g. the building crumbled after the explosion
           Negotiations broke down

    Synonym: crumble tumble break down collapse