
crusade [kru:ˈseɪd]  [kruˈsed] 









crusade 基本解释


名词[史]十字军东征; (宗教性的)圣战; 改革运动

动词讨伐; 加入十字军; 从事改革运动

crusade 相关例句


1. We must crusade for world peace.

crusade 词典解释

1. (长期坚定不移的)斗争,运动
    A crusade is a long and determined attempt to achieve something for a cause that you feel strongly about.

    e.g. Footballers launched an unprecedented crusade against racism on the terraces...
    e.g. He made it his crusade to teach children to love books.

2. 长期坚定不移地奋斗
    If you crusade for a particular cause, you make a long and determined effort to achieve something for it.

    e.g. ...a newspaper that has crusaded against the country's cocaine traffickers.
    e.g. adopted boy whose cause is taken up by a crusading lawyer.

3. (发生于11世纪至13世纪的)十字军东征
    The Crusades were the wars that were fought by Christians in Palestine against the Muslims during the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth centuries.

crusade 单语例句

1. Bush has not used the word " crusade " to characterize the war on terrorism since late September.

2. New York Times columnist Frank Rich still wages his Gibson crusade, and the actor still says he wants to kill Rich's dog.

3. These are Fighting Chinese on crusade, taking history in their stride.

4. crusade的意思

4. Shanghai's district and municipal authorities were slow in responding to this public relations crisis before it snowballed into a nationwide crusade against Shanghai.

5. All signs indicate that the current crusade could be a turning point in reducing drunken driving and make our streets safer.

6. He suffered a great deal for his moral crusade after his superior expelled him from school in retaliation.

7. This experience ended up reinforcing his conviction about the significance of China and the US working together in the green crusade.

8. Premier Wen mentioned guaranteeing citizens'right to know, and said it is essential to the crusade against corruption.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

9. The rule clearly defines the government's responsibilities in fighting the disease, laying the legal groundwork for the crusade.

10. They launched a crusade against Bill Clinton in 1998 for lying about his affairs with a White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

crusade 英英释义



1. a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end

    e.g. he supported populist campaigns
           they worked in the cause of world peace
           the team was ready for a drive toward the pennant
           the movement to end slavery
           contributed to the war effort

    Synonym: campaign cause drive movement effort


1. go on a crusade
    fight a holy war

2. crusade

2. exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person
    be an advocate for

    e.g. The liberal party pushed for reforms
           She is crusading for women's rights
           The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate

    Synonym: fight press campaign push agitate