
crustaceans [krʌs'teɪʃnz]  [krʌs'teɪʃnz] 


crustaceans 基本解释
甲壳纲动物( crustacean的名词复数 );
crustaceans 网络解释

1. 甲壳纲动物:鲂鱼生活在浅水处底部的有沙的地方,以甲壳纲动物(crustaceans)和小鱼为食. 胸鳍较大,呈扇状,有蓝斑. 当受到袭击时,鲂鱼展开鱼鳍,身体尺寸明显增大. 胸鳍前有三条鳍刺(多骨的刺),用于翻开沙子寻找食物. 豹鲂鮄(flying gurnard),

2. 甲壳类:依据该决定,自2007年7月26日起出口至日本之甲壳类(crustaceans)及软体动物(mollusk)产品需100%经禁用抗生素之残留量之检验. 依据该决定,出口商如超过3次被检验出抗生素残留量,将不许再出口相关产品至日本. 越南水产部同时表示,

3. 甲壳类动物:并且游泳时这一侧朝上. 身体向上的一侧是棕色有白色斑点. 向下的一侧是均匀的白色. 鲽鱼吃软体动物(mollusks)和甲壳类动物(crustaceans),用它们不锋利的牙压碎甲壳. 它们可以长到3英尺(90厘米)长,重达15磅(7千克).

4. 海产 壳类动物捕捉业:121100 海洋鱼类的捕捉 M arine fish | 1212 海产 壳类动物捕捉业 Crustaceans | 121200 海产 壳类动物的捕捉 Crustaceans

crustaceans 单语例句

1. They are estuarine crustaceans that are also known as mitten crabs, after the patch of dense fur on their claws.

2. These little crustaceans tempt your taste buds with their bright red color and rich fennel smell right after they arrive at your table.

3. Hairy crab is still in season, and every table of Chinese diners had a plate piled with the steamed crustaceans.

4. crustaceans的翻译

4. Upon inquiry I was informed the crustaceans could not be called Yangcheng Lake crabs, even though they are in the vicinity of the famous stretch of water.

5. Their diet typically consists of plankton, small crustaceans and small squid.

6. Where once fishermen could catch uncountable varieties of fish and crustaceans, the nets now come up mostly empty.

7. The price of crabs depends on their weight and not the number of crustaceans.

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8. Researchers found a carpet of small crustaceans inhabiting the head of the Mississippi Canyon in the Gulf of Mexico.

9. The artist kept a bowl of the crustaceans on his desk for 30 years.

10. Twelve referees will test only the meat, and two others the fish and crustaceans.