crystalline lens

crystalline lens

crystalline lens 基本解释


crystalline lens 网络解释

crystalline lens的翻译

1. 水晶体:角膜(cornea)是一透明薄膜,形同镜片,负责 70% 的聚光力;虹膜(iris)根据光刺激眼睛的程度扩张与收缩瞳孔(pupil),控制进入的光量;水晶体(crystalline lens)则提供剩余 30% 光能的对焦能力,透过毛状体肌肉来控制水晶体的厚、薄以分别对近及远距离对焦;

2. 晶状体:crystal glasses 水晶镜 | crystalline lens 晶状体 | crystallizer 结晶器

3. 眼珠水晶体:crystalline humor 晶状体 | crystalline lens 眼珠水晶体 | crystalline quartz 晶状石英

4. 晶狀體(生理) = 晶狀體:crystal system 晶系 | crystalline lens 晶狀體(生理) = 晶狀體 | crystalline state 晶態

crystalline lens 英英释义



1. biconvex transparent body situated behind the iris in the eye
    its role (along with the cornea) is to focuses light on the retina

    Synonym: lens lens of the eye