
cube [kju:b]  [kjub] 








cube 基本解释


名词立方形,立方体; 立方,三次幂; 小房间

及物动词求…的立方; 把(食物)切成小方块; 测定…的体积

cube 相关例句



1. Cube the meat before putting it in the pan.

2. If you cube 10, the result is 1000.


1. The cube of 2 is 8.

2. Please get me an ice-cube out of the fridge.

3. The cube of 5 is 125.

cube 网络解释

1. 多维数据集:主要特征功能:多维数据集(Cube)定义使用来自事实表(fact table)中的信息,或者聚合多维数据集单元(aggregated cube cells)中的数值,本产品可以在客户端或者服务器端创建附加的计算度量值(calculated measures).

2. 异次元杀阵:[剧情看点]:<<异次元杀阵>>(Cube)以其大胆的想象力和诡异的风格引起世人瞩目. 1997年,一部来自加拿大的科幻惊悚片<<异次元杀阵>>(Cube)以其大胆的想象力和诡异的风格引起世人瞩目,影片叙述六个陌生人被莫名囚禁在奇异的立方体监狱里,

cube 词典解释

1. cube

1. 立方体;立方形的东西
    A cube is a solid object with six square surfaces which are all the same size.

    e.g. ...cold water with ice cubes in it...
    e.g. ...a box of sugar cubes...

2. 把(食物)切成小方块
    When you cube food, you cut it into cube-shaped pieces.

    e.g. Remove the seeds and stones and cube the flesh...
    e.g. Serve with cubed bread.

3. cube的翻译

3. 立方;三次幂
    The cube of a number is another number that is produced by multiplying the first number by itself twice. For example, the cube of 2 is 8.

cube 单语例句

1. The Bird's Nest and Water Cube are two of the 37 Olympics venues open for business year after the Games.

2. And by the way I love your Bird's Nest and the Water Cube!

3. cube

3. Cardin is 89 years old this year, but he insisted on coming to the Water Cube with his team to supervise it.

4. The Water Cube was glowing again when French fashion mogul Pierre Cardin held his latest fashion show there recently.

5. cube什么意思

5. Her job was to provide support service to volunteers at the Water Cube, the aquatic center.

6. While cocktails are served in both establishments, only Cube permits smoking - so we selected a couch and debated the extensive menu.

7. Tickets for the Water Cube can now be bought on the spot.

8. Even though most folks didn't have tickets to the final races at the Water Cube, this felt like the next best place to be watching the action.

9. It is expected that the city will store a total of 20 million cube metres of fresh water in the days to come.

10. Lead actor Henderson appears downright embarrassed throughout and Ice Cube again beats the living daylights out of his own credibility.

cube 英英释义


1. a block in the (approximate) shape of a cube

    Synonym: square block

2. cube什么意思

2. any of several tropical American woody plants of the genus Lonchocarpus whose roots are used locally as a fish poison and commercially as a source of rotenone

3. the product of three equal terms

    Synonym: third power

4. a three-dimensional shape with six square or rectangular sides

    Synonym: block

5. a hexahedron with six equal squares as faces

    Synonym: regular hexahedron


1. raise to the third power

2. cut into cubes

    e.g. cube the cheese

    Synonym: dice