1. 小茴香:这种由数种香料混合而成的粉末状香料,香料种类不固定而且没有很重的辣味,通常都是由红番椒 (Chili Pepper) 磨成粉,再和奥里根香料 (Oregano) 小茴香 (Cumin) 和大蒜粉混合而成.
2. 孜然:[调料]孜然(cumin)粉,辣椒粉各一勺,盐、料酒、味精、葱、姜适量[调料]孜然(cumin)粉,辣椒粉各一勺,盐、料酒、味精、葱、姜适量
3. 枯茗:而枯茗(cumin),在出口数量和出口价值这两方面的增长都是最多的,分别高达236%,224%;生姜(ginger)的出口数量,同比增加了71%. 在2006年4-11月期间,香草子(vanilla,又称:香荚兰、香草精等)出口的数量,总共增加至77吨;而在去年(2005年)的同期,
4. 小茴香子:是味道较强...More发泡奶油 Whipped Butter 北美现在一般的大型超市可以买到打发的奶油,它是将鲜奶油中的油脂(Milk Fat)打发后出售的成品,颜色雪白...More小茴香子-1 Cumin 小茴香子(Cumin)属香菜科植物,气味强烈.
1. (印度烹饪中常用的)莳萝,小茴香籽
Cumin is a sweet-smelling spice, and is popular in Indian cooking.
1. The lamb was fried crispy outside, which perfectly matched cumin spices.
2. The pork is spiced with cumin seed and has a slightly smoked flavor, and soaks up the sour flavor sauce from the surface of the sauerkraut and vermicelli.
3. The fragrance of the cumin was smelt as soon as the dish was served, but it didn't overpower the lamb.
4. Those ingredients are cooked with Chinese style sauce or seasoning including cumin spices, salt and pepper spices and Chinese Fen wine.
5. Heat up a little oil and fry mustard seeds and cumin until the spices pop.
6. The Mexican menu features traditional Mexican tacos, chicken enchiladas with spicy tomato and cumin sauce.
7. It was only many years later that I learnt that cumin is widely used in Muslim cuisine.
1. aromatic seeds of the cumin herb of the carrot family
Synonym: cumin seed
2. dwarf Mediterranean annual long cultivated for its aromatic seeds
Synonym: Cuminum cyminum