
cursory [ˈkɜ:səri]  [ˈkɜ:rsəri] 

cursory 基本解释

形容词粗略的,草率的,仓促的; 肤皮潦草

cursory 网络解释


1. 匆促,草率的:currently 目前,眼前地 | cursory 匆促,草率的 | discourse 谈话,会话,演讲,论文

2. 粗俗的:cursive writing 草书 | cursory 粗俗的 | curvature 曲率

3. 草率的:cursoriness 粗率 | cursory 草率的 | curst 诅咒

4. 匆忙的:cur跑(词根) | cursory匆忙的,a | cursive草书的a

cursory 词典解释

1. 仓促的;匆匆的;粗略的
    A cursory glance or examination is a brief one in which you do not pay much attention to detail.

    e.g. Burke cast a cursory glance at the menu, then flapped it shut...
    e.g. I gave the letter a fairly cursory reading.

cursory 单语例句

1. He found that the audience paid only cursory attention to the works, their hurried glances failing to catch the meaning of his paintings.

2. This is evident even from a cursory understanding of the facts reported by the media and objective descriptions given by some passengers in their blogs.

3. cursory的解释

3. The feel of these tours is similar to tours of government officials, with cursory travel in dozens of countries.

4. The spokesman said Li also fabricated a survey report and was therefore directly responsible for the government's cursory release of Zhou's " discovery ".

5. Many large weapons caches were blown up quickly with only a cursory attempt at inventory.

6. Perhaps the fascination of Indiana Jones has gone, but Firewall should surely get a cursory nod of approval from audiences.

7. A cursory glance around the city shows signs the capital has begun to embrace the Western holiday.

8. A cursory look at our own coverage reveals a diversity of opinions.


9. Even a cursory glance at the company's executive list confirms the truth of that statement.

10. Shoppers say security guards at malls at best only make cursory checks of baggage.

cursory 英英释义


1. hasty and without attention to detail
    not thorough

    e.g. a casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house's structural flaws
           a passing glance
           perfunctory courtesy

    Synonym: casual passing(a) perfunctory