
curved [kɜ:vd]  [kɜ:rvd] 





curved 基本解释
弧形的,曲线的;弯成弧形( curve的过去式和过去分词);
curved 网络解释


1. 弯曲的:curved well 弯曲井 | curved 弯曲的 | curves tracing scale 曲线绘制的标度

2. 弄弯的:curved surface 曲面 | curved 弄弯的 | curves of equal horizontal magnetic force 等水平磁力曲线图

3. 倒弧角,弯曲的:curb 止水墩 同kerb | curved 倒弧角,弯曲的 | deduct 扣除

curved 单语例句

1. curved在线翻译

1. The perfect cup and handle pattern starts with a series of lows that are captured with a curved half circle trend line.

2. Defender He Yang nearly added the second for the hosts on 73 minutes, but his curved header following Zheng Zhi's right flank freekick rattled the crossbar.

3. Skirts were short for skating in wools or curved inwards at the bottom with a drawstring in more elegant satins.

4. The construction is made of curved girders and painted pillars, and the roof is high with protruding eaves.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. Around it are seven pavilions of different styles, with curved eaves and carved pillars.

6. The clear water and the curved bridges are side by side contrasting finely with each others.

7. The buildings along Gateway Street are close imitations of those in Southeast Asian countries, with painted yellow facades and roof balconies fenced with curved railings.

8. By contrast, apes have more curved fingers and toes made for grasping tree branches.

9. curved的近义词

9. The roof of the pavilion is built using unusual curved lines, similar to the shape of a helmet used by a knight of ancient times.

10. The logo is made up of five curved lines and its colors imitate the colors of the five Olympic rings.

curved 英英释义



1. having or marked by a curve or smoothly rounded bend

    e.g. the curved tusks of a walrus
           his curved lips suggested a smile but his eyes were hard

    Synonym: curving