customs union
1. 关税同盟:...关税同盟(Customs Union) 两个或两个以上国家缔结协定,建立统一的关境,在统一关境内缔约国相互间减让或取消关税,对从关境以...约束税率(Bound Rate) 经过谈判达成协议而固定下来的关税税率为约束税率.
2. 关税联盟:俄罗斯副总理Shuvalov表示,俄国与白俄罗斯及哈萨克的关税联盟(Customs Union)谈判进展良好,目前仅约15%的议题还没达成协议,俄国希望三国关税联盟能於2010-2011年间实现.
3. 海关联盟:其远景目标是实现成员国之间货物与服务贸易的自由流动;建立海关联盟(Customs Union实现资本的自由流动;逐步建立一个支付联盟(Payment Union)以最终实现单一货币体系;建立统一的签证制度以实现人员的自由流动.
4. 關稅同盟商業國際貿易:66337關稅以外一切稅收商業稅捐internal revenue | 66338關稅同盟商業國際貿易Customs Union | 66339關稅合作理事會商業國際貿易Customs Co-operation Council
1. The Free Trade Area would be followed by the establishment a Customs Union by 2010, a Common Market by 2015 and Economic and Monetary Union by 2018.
2. customs union的反义词
2. Peters denied a report alleging his company requested European Union and US customs to block DVD players from China.
3. Peters reiterated that his company had not requested European Union or US customs authorities to block DVD players from China.
4. Nordic customs officials have arrested a truck driver after he tried to illegally import 28 tons of Chinese garlic into the European Union.
5. It is already a profound peculiarity that customs duties in a customs union are still administered nationally.
6. Another topic is a dossier on the consolidation of Regional Customs Union.
7. The communique says China welcomes the Southern African Customs Union's decision to commence FTA negotiations.
8. Before the establishment of the Customs Union, the three nations have agreed to seek the joint accession to the WTO.
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9. A customs Union of the region will be launched during the summit meeting by 19 African state leaders.
10. He also recommended Kyrgyzstan to follow the roadmaps agreed with Russia's partners in the Customs Union - Belarus and Kazakhstan.
1. an association of nations to promote free trade within the union and set common tariffs for nations that are not members