cut and run

cut and run [kʌt ænd rʌn]  [kʌt ənd rʌn] 

cut and run 基本解释


cut and run 网络解释

1. 慌忙逃走:cut one's coat according to one's cloth 量入为出,看布裁衣 | cut and run 慌忙逃走 | cut a long story short 长话短说

2. 急忙逃走:cut and paste 剪贴 | cut and run 急忙逃走 | cut and thrust 肉搏战

3. 弃锚开航:cut across 两船交叉航驶 | cut and run 弃锚开航 | cut and try process 逐次接近法

4. 急忙退避不利的形式:25. run like clockwork 精确无误,有规律地运作 | 26. cut and run 急忙退避不利的形式 | 27. dry run 排练,演习

cut and run 单语例句

1. " I do believe there is no option for the international community to cut and run, " he told reporters after meeting Prime Minister Tony Blair in London.

2. Bush said critics of his Iraq policies are advocating a " cut and run " strategy that would draw terrorists to American soil.

3. Many enterprises have not only stopped investing but also started to cut expenditure and run down their inventories.

4. He lost his left leg cut and his wife had run away with another man.

5. But a strong performance from pitcher Andy Pettitte and former Red Sox favourite Damon's home run cut Boston's lead to seven games in the division.