cut and thrust

cut and thrust [kʌt ænd θrʌst]  [kʌt ənd θrʌst] 

cut and thrust 基本解释


cut and thrust 网络解释

1. 肉搏战:cut across 抄近路通过 | cut and thrust 肉搏战 | cut back 修剪;削减;急忙返回;倒叙

2. 短兵相接 针锋相对地挖苦 尖锐的; 锋利的:cut and dried 准备好的 已决定的; 不大会改变的 | cut and thrust 短兵相接 针锋相对地挖苦 尖锐的; 锋利的 | cut at 向...砍去 猛打 毁掉

cut and thrust 单语例句

1. Dr Vaughan said the controversy was part of the curatorial cut and thrust.

2. Wen said politicians don't necessarily " understand each other's history and culture " in the cut and thrust of political debate.