cut in

cut in [kʌt in]  [kʌt ɪn] 

cut in 基本解释


插嘴; 干预; 突然插到…前面; 允许加入

cut in 相关例句

cut in的翻译


1. Don't try to cut in while others are talking.

2. Drivers who habitually cut in are bound to cause accidents sooner or later.

cut in 词典解释
cut in是什么意思

1. 打断(谈话);插嘴
    If you cut in on someone, you interrupt them when they are speaking.

    e.g. Immediately, Daniel cut in on Joanne's attempts at reassurance...
    e.g. 'Not true,' the Duchess cut in.

cut in 单语例句

1. Many Chinese business people often go to the " customs clearance companies " in Russia to cut costs and to improve efficiency.

2. To extend the payroll tax cut for the middle class is a major part of Obama's job act announced in early September this year.

3. cut in

3. Obama is pushing elements of his American Jobs Act in the Congress, and trying to get payroll tax cut extended.

4. A major challenge is that mobile and communications services in Libya have been cut and Libyan port authorities have by and large stopped offering services.

5. Boeing had its debt rating cut by Standard & Poor's Ratings Service in July, in part because of concern that customer financing needs may increase in 2010.

6. One goal is to cut the number of people living in extreme poverty by fifty percent by two thousand fifteen.

7. Gehua Cable Television Co Ltd later discovered that cables in these areas had been cut.

8. cut in的解释

8. Hawass had cut ties with the French museum and suspended its excavation in southern Cairo to pressure it to return the artifacts.

9. The annual holiday in May was cut short to three days last year, with the other four spread throughout the calendar for other traditional festivals.

10. cut in是什么意思

10. Canada had already cut down its embassy staff in late January, leaving only core personnel to help a voluntary evacuation of its citizens in Syria.

cut in 英英释义



1. mix in with cutting motions

2. interrupt a dancing couple in order to take one of them as one's own partner

    e.g. Jim always cuts in!


3. break into a conversation

    e.g. her husband always chimes in, even when he is not involved in the conversation

    Synonym: chime in put in butt in chisel in barge in break in

4. drive in front of another vehicle leaving too little space for that vehicle to maneuver comfortably

5. allow someone to have a share or profit