cut it

cut it [kʌt it]  [kʌt ɪt] 

cut it 基本解释

cut it的近义词


cut it 相关例句

cut it的近义词


1. If I can't cut it at work, I may as well give up now.

cut it 网络解释


1. 快走:cut it fine 扣得紧 | cut it 快走 | cut loose 摆脱

2. 能够做某事,成功作做某事:cut class 旷课 | cut it 能够做某事,成功作做某事 | cut out for something 具有某种天赋/是...的料

3. 切断它:joe!|乔 | Cut it!|切断它 | Come on! Come on!|加油 加油啊

cut it 单语例句

1. Though water supplies were not cut off, it prompted panic buying of bottled water.

2. Hawass had cut ties with the French museum and suspended its excavation in southern Cairo to pressure it to return the artifacts.

3. Some Republicans oppose extending the payroll tax cut, calling it an unproven job creator that will only add to the country's massive debt.

4. cut it

4. Mobile phone subsidies have been putting Unicom under financial pressure and the firm in June said it would cut and even gradually cancel subsidies.

5. Shenhua earlier said it would cut capital spending by 16 percent this year because of falling power demand amid the global financial crisis.

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6. Asia's largest refiner Sinopec said it would further cut its capital expenditure as high crude oil prices erode earnings.

7. China announced last month that it would cut the reserve requirements for banks which Liu said would help direct more capital to the economy.

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8. It is estimated that China needs over 60 technologies to cut carbon emissions as expected, among which over 40 are currently beyond the nation's grasp.

9. The provincial government has said it plans to cut and resettle cattle in the overgrazed area by 6 million in three years.

10. Britain's interest rate now stands at 2 percent after the central bank cut it by one percentage point on Thursday.