cut throat

cut throat [kʌt θrəut]  [kʌt θrot] 

cut throat 基本解释

[医] 刎颈

cut throat 网络解释

cut throat

1. 害人的:cut sth out 阻止;停止;故障;占上风 | cut throat 害人的 | cut-and-dried 事先准备好的;枯燥无味的

2. 凶手:cut-rate 打折扣的 | cut-throat 凶手 | cutaneous 皮肤的

3. 切断喉管:coup d'etat政变 | cut throat切断喉管 | decimate大批杀死

4. 残酷的:Minor players 次要竞争对手 | Cut-throat 残酷的 | Ferocious残忍的, 凶猛的

cut throat 单语例句

1. The brother called the police on the day of the funeral, claiming he would cut someone's throat with a knife.

2. After finishing, the militant pulled a knife and cut his throat until the head was severed.

3. The woman then strangled her husband with shoelaces, and cut his throat with a kitchen knife.

4. The man picked up a kitchen knife and cut his wife's throat.

5. A videotape of Pearl having his throat cut was later circulated by his killers.

6. cut throat的翻译

6. We found a man on the ground with a cut from his throat on down, you could see his aorta.

7. Robert was arrested after he repeatedly intruded onto Madonna's property in 1995 and threatened to cut her throat if she didn't marry him.