cut to the bone

cut to the bone [kʌt tu: ðə bəun]  [kʌt tu ði bon] 

cut to the bone 基本解释


动词削减; 刺骨

cut to the bone 网络解释

cut to the bone的意思

1. 大力削减:all skin and bone极瘦的,皮包骨的 | cut to the bone大力削减 | The bus service has been cut to the bone.公共汽车的服务已经削减到不能再少的地步了.

2. 削减:court-martial 军事法庭 | cut to the bone 削减 | likewise adv 同样地 n 同样

cut to the bone 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The transplant would be through a vertical cut about 6 inches long, from the belly button to the pubic bone.