
cute [kju:t]  [kjut] 




cute 基本解释


形容词漂亮的; 娇小可爱的; 机灵的,精明的; 矫揉造作的

cute 相关例句



1. The plot is painfully cute.

2. She wore a cute dress.

cute 情景对话


A:Rose and Herb look cute together.

B:Have you ever thought...

A:...that they're a match made in heaven?

B:Yes, my thoughts exactly!

A:If we work together, they'll be a couple in no time!

cute 网络解释

1. 可爱的:女性习惯于借助强烈的、积极的语言形式来赞美他人**她们擅长使用直接或间接的赞美词句作为正礼貌策略去赞扬他人**通常,女性 比较普遍使用虚意(empty)形容词如:极好的(divine)、可爱的(cute)、迷人的(charming)、 温柔的(sweet)等对他人外表、服饰、语言进行赞美**即便事实并非如此,

2. 真可爱:◆一组天真可爱(cute)的天使宝贝240*320手机图片5张 [共1/1页]点击图片即可下载,一组天真可爱(cute)的天使宝贝240*320手机图片手机图片名称:一组天真可爱(cute)的天使宝贝240*320手机图片

3. 漂亮:宝来(POLALI)多功能休闲毯,保健中草药手枕;SENAE6(第六感)玩具毯供应商...[摘要]DOBAZ---致力于为生活在人类周围的小伙伴们缔造充满创意(CREATIVE)、舒适(COMFORT)、漂亮(CUTE)、优质(CLASSIC)、个性(CHARACTERISTIC)的生活用品,

4. cute:common use terminal equipment; 航站装备共用系统

cute 词典解释

1. 可爱的;漂亮迷人的
    Something or someone that is cute is very pretty or attractive, or is intended to appear pretty or attractive.

    e.g. Oh, look at that dog! He's so cute.
    e.g. ...a cute little house.

2. cute的解释

2. 妩媚的;性感的
    If you describe someone as cute, you think they are sexually attractive.

    e.g. There was this girl, and I thought she was really cute.

3. cute什么意思

3. 精明的;机灵的
    If you describe someone as cute, you mean that they deal with things cleverly.

    e.g. The President, trying to be cute, said his liberal arts education had not really prepared him for such complicated issues as this...
    e.g. That's a cute trick.

cute 单语例句

1. Acting clumsy and incorporating a cute catchphrase in your speech is a good addition, but not necessary.


2. If you prefer something more cute and comforting check out the Japanese drama, 10 Promises to My Dog.

3. cute的反义词

3. But the clincher was meeting her estranged father for the first time since childhood and being told she hadn't turned out very cute.


4. Khloe Kardashian is thrilled with her family's Christmas card and can't believe how cute her nephew looks in the family portrait.

5. The common moorhen is a cute but timid bird that always flies away when people approach.

6. An adorable satyr sporting a cute goatee scampers around in the aisles between set changes.

7. " The pandas are really cute, " Chen told China Daily.

8. The figure meant excellent income for professional message writers who wrote for websites that provided downloading services to cute message seekers.

9. The canines often end up on the street when their owners grow tired of raising a cute puppy that grew up into a big mutt.

10. Meng Xuan occasionally breaks into laughter - when she reads something " cute " - as she furiously taps away on her keyboard.

cute 英英释义



1. obviously contrived to charm

    e.g. an insufferably precious performance
           a child with intolerably cute mannerisms

    Synonym: precious

2. attractive especially by means of smallness or prettiness or quaintness

    e.g. a cute kid with pigtails
           a cute little apartment
           cunning kittens
           a cunning baby

    Synonym: cunning