
cyanide [ˈsaɪənaɪd]  [ˈsaɪəˌnaɪd] 







cyanide 基本解释



cyanide 网络解释

1. 氰化物:产品名称:HANNA 氰化物(Cyanide)化学测试组测试项目:氰化物(Cyanide) 分析法:比色盘法 范围ppm:0~0.3 解析度ppm:0.01 试剂可使用次数:100

2. 物:当晚费利克斯 乌舒波夫(Feliks Yusupov)王子拿了含 毒药的蛋糕与掺有氢化物(cyanide)的毒酒给拉斯浦丁吃,但不可思议的事情发生了. 毒药根本毒不死他,毫无作用. 吃了毒蛋糕和喝了毒酒 后的拉斯浦丁还面不改色的邀请费利克斯乌舒波夫(Feliks Yusupov)王子一起和他去夜游.

3. 氰化; 氰化物:cumulative dose 累积剂量 | cyanide 氰化; 氰化物 | cyanide-containing waste substances 含氰废物

4. 氰化物用氰化物处理:cyanide 氰化物 | cyanide 氰化物用氰化物处理 | cyaniding 氰化

cyanide 词典解释

1. 氰化物
    Cyanide is a highly poisonous substance.

    e.g. Someone had fed him a lethal dose of cyanide...
    e.g. The police say he swallowed a cyanide capsule to avoid arrest.

cyanide 单语例句


1. The problem was attributed to lack of water in Bandundu province that can be used to eliminate this cyanide from cassava within appropriate time.

2. cyanide在线翻译

2. Blood agents are chemicals containing cyanide compounds that are carried through the blood to cut off oxygen to the body's tissues.

3. As of noon on Sunday, four workers had died in hospital due to cyanide poisoning.

4. cyanide

4. The death of three people was caused by hydrogen cyanide gas leaked from liquid waste at a gold smelter in Beijing's suburban district of Huairou.

5. cyanide的解释

5. The forensic lab under the Ministry of Public Security confirmed through toxicology tests that the reason for the death of Heywood accords with cyanide poisoning.

6. As there were cyanide and other fuels on one of the sunken trucks, all the river's aqueducts were ordered to be closed.

7. The online promotion has a long list of drugs that include the highly toxic and potentially lethal sodium cyanide.

8. cyanide的翻译

8. Three are killed by a hydrogen cyanide gas leak on Tuesday from a gold mining plant in Beijing's suburban district of Huairou killed.

9. Fire experts said electroplating typically involves lots of dangerous chemicals, including cyanide and strong acids.

10. cyanide

10. The gas has been identified as arsenide cyanide, a lethal byproduct yielded through processing and storing arsenide minerals.

cyanide 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. an extremely poisonous salt of hydrocyanic acid

2. cyanide

2. any of a class of organic compounds containing the cyano radical -CN

    Synonym: nitrile nitril