1. 分贝:分贝(decibel) 分贝(dB)为表示相对功率或幅度电平的标准单位. 用dB表示. 满刻度分贝值(dBFS)(dB Full Scale) 指数字音响中以满刻度为基准的分贝值. 满刻度可保证数字录音有最大的录音电平,所有的数字电平皆用dBFS表示.
2. 数据库文件:SQL Anywhere中提供了将传统的DBF文件转换为该系统下的数据库文件(DB)中的表的工具. 为了实现这一转换,用户必须先建立一个新的表,再将DBF格式的文件内容导入该表中. 系统将打开指定的文件,将该文件中的所有记录导入新建的表中.
3. 数据总线:2、 据总线(DB data bus) 数据总线(DB)用来在CPU与存储器、输入/输出接口和其它电路之间相互传输数据状态和指令. 由于数据可以从CPU传输到内部存储器、输入、输出接口,也可反方向传输到CPU中,所以数据总线(DB)是双向传输的总线,
4. 地震:ST)商品检验(SN)水利工程建设规程(SL)..(GF)电子(SJ)船舶工程建设规程(CB)石油化工工程建设规程(SH)(SHSG)轻工(SG)水电工程建设规程(SD)水产(SC)商业工程建设规程(SB)城建工程建设规程(CJ)气象(QX)地震(DB)航天(QJ)航空工
5. db:date-base; 数据库
6. db:dual base; 双基
7. db:distributor box; 配电箱
8. db:draw-bar; 连接杆
1. Zhang's clapping was measured at 108 dB at one performance by the local environment administrative bureau.
2. DB的意思
2. That was the first investment made by the $ 298 million DB Masdar fund, which was established in January 2010.
3. He said tests show that noise caused by old trains on the line was about 10 dB louder than new ones.
4. DB是什么意思
4. A train whistle is about 100 dB, while the sound of an aircraft taking off can reach 130 dB.
5. Lam added that the DB would shoulder the responsibility of coordinating building maintenance.
6. DB
6. DB also owns rail companies outside Germany and is also a major road transport operator within Germany.