
daimon ['daɪməʊn]  ['daɪmoʊn] 

daimon 基本解释
daimon 网络解释


1. 恶魔:其中就包括由意大利导演大卫-扎马尼和娜蒂亚-软诺奇指导的影片<<恶魔>>(Daimon)和<<黎明>>(Cock Crow). 美国导演乔-丹特的<<神秘洞穴>>也在威尼斯举行放映.

2. 大门五郎:拳皇2002大蛇夏尔米(orochi-shermie)的所有出招动态图片,包括kof2002大蛇夏尔米的基本动作(出场,胜利,失败,晕点,行走,跳跃,跑,闪避等),投技,特殊技,连续技,必杀技拳皇2003大门五郎(Daimon)的所有出招动态图片,

3. 五郎:关键字: 大门五郎(DAIMON) 超受身:↓←+A 地雷震假动作:→↓→+B 地雷震:假动作中按A 木倒打:←↓→+B 超大外割:靠近时←↓→+A 天旋地转:→↓←→+B *地域极乐摔:→↓←→↓←+B 阪崎良(RYO) 虎煌拳:↓→+B 飞燕疾风脚:↓←+A 猛虎雷神刚:↓←+B 极限流

4. 大門:Daimatsu 大松. | Daimon 大门. | Daini 大仁.

daimon 双语例句

1. My father heard the Daimon is called a father, how are you?

2. They also said that Daimon was monster ate it, it is not a perfectly good baby it? "

3. Farmer Daimon: I'll kill him.


4. Not a hero, also daimon, still not angle, you're just wandering the edge of the world.

5. Farmer Daimon: I will have my vengeance.
    法莫 戴蒙:我会报复的。

6. From there we were all taken to the Bus departure station Daimon Station.

7. Farmer Daimon: People say God watches over the innocent.

daimon 英英释义


1. daimon

1. an evil supernatural being

    Synonym: devil fiend demon daemon