
dame [deɪm]  [dem] 


dame 基本解释

名词女人; 夫人,女士; 已婚妇女

dame 相关例句


1. Elizabeth has no time for small chats with other dames.

2. The dame told of her experience as a wife and mother.

dame 网络解释


1. 淑女:名导巴斯比.伯克利的<<1933年淘金者>>(Gold Diggers of 1933)、<<淑女>>(Dame)和<<42街>>,凭借编舞才华和对宏大舞蹈场面的调控能力,抚平了经济大萧条的创伤,让观众沉迷于歌舞的梦幻世界.

2. 夫人:damaskeen 波纹 | dame 夫人 | damfool 大傻瓜

3. 贵妇人:damage 损害 | dame 贵妇人 | damn 咒骂

4. dame:data acquisition and monitoring equipment; 数据的采集和监视设备

dame 词典解释

1. 女爵士
    Dame is a title given to a woman as a special honour because of important service or work that she has done.

    e.g. ...Dame Judi Dench.

2. 女人(可能具冒犯意味)
    A dame is a woman. This use could cause offence.

    e.g. Who does that dame think she is?

dame 单语例句

1. Weeping and clutching each other for support, some families and friends of victims attended a service at Notre Dame cathedral in Paris.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. The Parisian landmark of Notre Dame cathedral hosted a requiem mass Sunday and many other gatherings took place across the city.

3. The summer menu includes the classic fennel soup, the heart of romaine and crispy vegetables salad and dame blanche ice cream.

4. Kim Kardashian has described Dame Elizabeth Taylor as her " idol ".

5. Those who receive the honorary knighthoods are not entitled to use the honorific " Sir " or " Dame " before their names.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. The final song of musical Notre Dame de Paris has ignited theaters in Guangdong's provincial capital Guangzhou and Shanghai since November.

7. Besides sharing Martini cocktails with old pals Kelly Osbourne and Jade Jagger, she also struck up an unlikely friendship with Dame Shirley Bassey.

8. Seeing the gargoyles on the towers at Notre Dame will soon require the patience of Job.

9. dame的近义词

9. LONDON - The grand old dame of Grand Slam tennis now has its very own poet laureate.

10. He said Georgetown's next game against Notre Dame was probably more important than this one because it's a Big East conference game.

dame 英英释义


1. informal terms for a (young) woman

    Synonym: doll wench skirt chick bird

2. a woman of refinement

    e.g. a chauffeur opened the door of the limousine for the grand lady

    Synonym: madam ma'am lady gentlewoman