
damned [dæmd]  [dæmd] 




damned 基本解释

形容词该死的; 该谴责的,可恶的; 十足的; 被判为永久罪的

副词非常地; 无比地

动词诅咒(damn的过去式和过去分词); 严厉批评; 罚…入地狱受罪; 使彻底失败

damned 相关例句


1. This damned climate doesn't agree with me.

2. You damned!


1. You know damned well.

2. That's a damned clever idea.

3. It was so damned cold.

damned 网络解释


1. 该死的:damnatory 该死的 | damned 该死的 | damnedest 最大的努力

2. 受诅咒:Even if I'm damned about this.|即使受诅咒 也在所不惜 | Damned?|受诅咒? | Like... like hell?|比如... 下地狱?

3. 痛骂:05. Lie To Me 向我说谎 | 06. Damned 痛骂 | 07. My Guitar Lies Bleeding In My Arms 我的吉他像我手臂一样

damned 词典解释

1. damned

1. 该死的;他妈的;十足的;完全的
    Damned is used by some people to emphasize what they are saying, especially when they are angry or frustrated.

    e.g. The damned meeting seemed endless...
    e.g. They're a damned nuisance.

2. 罚入地狱的灵魂
    According to some religions, the damned are people whose punishment is to stay in hell for ever after they have died.

3. 我绝对不会…;休想我…
    If someone says 'I'm damned if I'm going to do it' or 'I'll be damned if I'll do it', they are emphasizing that they do not intend to do something and think it is unreasonable for anyone to expect them to do it.

4. 真没想到!天啊!
    Some people say 'I'll be damned!' when they are expressing surprise at something.

damned 单语例句

1. damned的意思

1. There are lies and damned lies everywhere you look on the Web.

2. I soon scurried to the door like a damned ghoul as guests pointed and laughed in unison.

3. Unfortunately in the short run protectionism may be very appealing politically - consequences be damned.

damned 英英释义



1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. people who are condemned to eternal punishment

    e.g. he felt he had visited the realm of the damned


1. damned

1. expletives used informally as intensifiers

    e.g. he's a blasted idiot
           it's a blamed shame
           a blame cold winter
           not a blessed dime
           I'll be damned (or blessed or darned or goddamned) if I'll do any such thing
           he's a damn (or goddam or goddamned) fool
           a deuced idiot
           an infernal nuisance

    Synonym: blasted blame blamed blessed damn darned deuced goddam goddamn goddamned infernal

2. in danger of the eternal punishment of Hell

    e.g. poor damned souls

    Synonym: cursed doomed unredeemed unsaved


1. in a damnable manner

    e.g. kindly Arthur--so damnably , politely , endlessly persistent!

    Synonym: damnably cursedly