
dampen [ˈdæmpən]  [ˈdæmpən] 







dampen 基本解释


及物动词抑制; 使潮湿; 使…沮丧; 隔音,防音

不及物动词变得潮湿; 丧气

dampen 相关例句



1. The bad news dampened our spirits.

2. The quarrel dampened down their enthusiasm.


1. The camp supplies dampened during the long rainy season.

dampen 网络解释


1. 抑制:提供较为均匀的微分控制棒本 ,并抑制(dampen)氙毒引发的通 振荡. C. 确保所有控制棒 在个别棒位指示及棒组计 值之间的容许误差(allowable tolerance)D. 确保所有控制棒均在个别棒位指示及棒组计 值之间的容许误差(allowable tolerance)C.

2. 减震,缓冲:damped wave detector 减幅波检波器 | dampen 减震,缓冲 | damper 阻尼器,减震器

3. 使潮湿, 使沮丧:cylindrical圆柱形,圆柱体;柱面 | dampen使潮湿, 使沮丧 | damper风门;节气阀

4. 弄湿:damp-dry 使半干 | dampen 弄湿 | damper 阻尼器

dampen 词典解释

1. 降低,减弱,抑制(热情、激动等)
    To dampen something such as someone's enthusiasm or excitement means to make it less lively or intense.

    e.g. Nothing seems to dampen his perpetual enthusiasm...
    e.g. I hate to dampen your spirits but aren't you overlooking a couple of minor points.

2. 使潮湿;弄湿
    If you dampen something, you make it slightly wet.

    e.g. She took the time to dampen a washcloth and do her face.

dampen 单语例句

1. dampen的翻译

1. Washington's policy of eluding responsibility would extremely dampen Asian nations'enthusiasm to continue to buy US national debt.

2. It is generally believed that higher reserve requirements would slow down money supply, which would dampen trading on the stock market as less capital flows in.

3. But the government's plan to substantially expand the country's capital market has prompted concern that a flood of new IPOs could further dampen share prices.

4. " Ceaseless talk of a recession continues to dampen the mood of consumers, " Chief Executive Officer Robert Toll said in the statement.

5. dampen

5. Demeaning portrayals of women cheapen our debates, dampen the dreams of our daughters and deny us the contributions of too many.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. Such practices hinder fair competition in the market, and impose administrative barriers that dampen the economy.

7. We should not be fighting the Chinese with trade barriers designed to dampen its admirable commitment to renewable power.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. Investors believed the move would dampen the demand of oil consumption in the emerging economy.

9. Yet a new round of cooling measures adopted by the central government beginning last May could dampen expectations.

10. The Daily News said such an issue would dampen its ADR prices.

dampen 英英释义



1. make moist

    e.g. The dew moistened the meadows

    Synonym: moisten wash

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. lessen in force or effect

    e.g. soften a shock
           break a fall

    Synonym: damp soften weaken break

3. check
    keep in check (a fire)

4. dampen

4. make vague or obscure or make (an image) less visible

    e.g. muffle the message

    Synonym: deaden damp

5. dampen的近义词

5. smother or suppress

    e.g. Stifle your curiosity

    Synonym: stifle

6. reduce the amplitude (of oscillations or waves)

7. deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping

    Synonym: muffle mute dull damp tone down