





dampened 基本解释
抑制;使湿( dampen的过去式和过去分词 );控制;减弱;
dampened 单语例句

1. The admissions dampened the mood in the Capitol, where legislators had chanted Paterson's name and cheered after he was sworn in Monday.

2. dampened的解释

2. China's car sales started to slow in the second half as the Beijing Olympics curbed purchases and the global financial crisis dampened demand.

3. China last year posted the lowest growth in car sales in 10 years as consumers'economic confidence was dampened.

4. The release of this information has dampened the enthusiasm of some however, especially chic young women whose income is far above the average.

5. dampened的意思

5. Complaints of the foggy weather spread quickly on the Internet, as the mist and subsequent congestion dampened many people's plans for weekend outings.

6. Consumption confidence in the United States is dampened as the credit crisis unfolded, with Chinese exports also hurt.

7. But the continuous drop in the global market has dampened the confidence of investors.

8. Chinese share prices plummeted on Thursday, as market sentiment was dampened by continuous slumps on neighboring markets.

9. danci.911chaxun.com

9. The financial crisis and subsequent turmoil in the world economy have dampened foreign demand and hence adversely affected China's exports.

10. Export growth will also decelerate due to the yuan's appreciation and dampened demand as a result of the economic troubles in the US.