
dangerous [ˈdeɪndʒərəs]  [ˈdendʒərəs] 


比较级:more dangerous


最高级:most dangerous

dangerous 基本解释


dangerous 同义词

形容词chancy hazardous unsafe risky perilous

dangerous 反义词

形容词safe secure

dangerous 相关例句



1. Shooting off firecrackers can be dangerous.

2. This lake is dangerous for swimmers.

3. It is dangerous to walk on thin ice in a lake.

dangerous 词典解释

1. 危险的;可能带来危害的;不安全的
    If something is dangerous, it is able or likely to hurt or harm you.

    e.g. It's a dangerous stretch of road.
    e.g. ...dangerous drugs...

He is dangerously ill...
He rushed downstairs dangerously fast...
The coach rocked dangerously.
dangerous 单语例句

1. dangerous

1. Abandoned plastic bags are also dangerous to wildlife who eat them by accident.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. " It's not as dangerous as a mine field by any means, " Fincke said in an interview with The Associated Press.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Dangerous chemical content and injuries caused by small parts were the major problems.

4. Crossing the borders has become increasingly dangerous as several Turkish trucks were destroyed by rebels on the Syrian side of the crossings.

5. However, " convenient cab " could sometimes turn out to be dangerous for passengers'safety.

6. I tried to calm down and talked to him about how dangerous his behavior was.

7. Organizers of the event emphasized that drinking too much can be dangerous and that one should never drink and drive.

8. The vehicle's maximum speed can top 80 km per hour, which police believe is dangerous.

9. And for all the talk of ending a dangerous reliance on foreign oil, the US depends more on Canada for imported oil than it does any other country.

10. Mine officials earlier found extremely dangerous levels of carbon monoxide in the part of the mine where the men where believed to have been.

dangerous 英英释义


1. causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm

    e.g. a dangerous operation
           a grave situation
           a grave illness
           grievous bodily harm
           a serious wound
           a serious turn of events
           a severe case of pneumonia
           a life-threatening disease

    Synonym: grave grievous serious severe life-threatening

2. involving or causing danger or risk
    liable to hurt or harm

    e.g. a dangerous criminal
           a dangerous bridge
           unemployment reached dangerous proportions

    Synonym: unsafe