
dank [dæŋk]  [dæŋk] 

dank 基本解释

形容词阴湿的,阴冷的; 潮呼呼; 冒出

dank 网络解释


1. 潮湿:dangerous 危险的 | dank 潮湿 | data base 数据库

2. 裆 可 阴湿的:woman 无 蛮(不野蛮) 女 人 | dank 裆 可 阴湿的 | darling 大了硬 心爱的人

3. 阴湿的:cynical#讥刺的,冷嘲热讽的 | dank#阴湿的 | dauntless#勇敢的

4. 透水的:Danite 但人 | dank 透水的 | dankish 潮湿的

dank 词典解释

1. (尤指地下的洞穴等)阴湿的
    A dank place, especially an underground place such as a cave, is unpleasantly damp and cold.

    e.g. The kitchen was dank and cheerless.

dank 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. I was living in a cheap hotel which was dank and nasty.

2. dank的翻译

2. So back in the olden days this process could only be done in dank, dark rooms because they need the high humidity to keep the printing process good.

3. Beer pong has finally emerged from America's dim and dank fraternity house basements and made its debut on the Shanghai bar scene.

4. No one likes vomiting in some dank, dirty bathroom while their friends enjoy delicious food.

dank 英英释义



1. dank

1. unpleasantly cool and humid

    e.g. a clammy handshake
           clammy weather
           a dank cellar
           dank rain forests

    Synonym: clammy