
daredevil [ˈdeədevl]  [ˈderdevl] 


daredevil 基本解释


名词冒失鬼; 胆大妄为; 蛮勇的人; 蛮干

daredevil 网络解释


1. 超胆侠:与此同时,20世纪福克斯已经启动了<<神奇四侠>>(FantasticFour)续集和包括<<金刚狼>>(Wolverine)续集在内的多部<>分支电影的拍摄计划,<<超胆侠>>(Daredevil)和银色冲浪手(silverSurfer)各自的新作也在悄然进行中.

daredevil 词典解释

1. (人)蛮勇的,大胆鲁莽的
    Daredevil people enjoy doing physically dangerous things.

    e.g. A daredevil parachutist jumped from the top of Tower Bridge today.

2. (行动等)危险的,冒险的
    You use daredevil to describe actions that are physically dangerous and require courage.

    e.g. The show's full of daredevil feats.

daredevil 单语例句

1. One of those daredevil cleaners who shine the exterior of tall buildings got a taste of how dangerous the job can get.

2. Daredevil Paris Hilton shows off her courageous side as she swims with sharks and stingrays during a paradise holiday.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. Then he met Jennifer Garner on " Daredevil " and they got engaged.

4. The famed daredevil paused his record attempt last week after doctors from the 301 Military Hospital responded to his claims of dizziness.

5. The organizers say the show will also have illusionists, elephants performing various stunts and daredevil horseback riding.

6. Which didn't seem to stop the couple from sliding back into their daredevil ways.

7. I miss watching him perform all his daredevil stunts in the trees.

8. A knee injury made her shift to movies, where she featured in daredevil silent roles set in the Alps.

9. The French daredevil urban climber on Monday scaled the Burj Khalifa, fighting winds that delayed his ascent for hours.

daredevil 英英释义



1. a reckless impetuous irresponsible person

    Synonym: madcap hothead swashbuckler lunatic harum-scarum


1. presumptuously daring

    e.g. a daredevil test pilot having the right stuff

    Synonym: temerarious