
darkroom [ˈdɑ:kru:m]  [ˈdɑ:rkru:m] 


darkroom 基本解释

名词(冲洗底片的)暗室,暗房; 黑屋子

darkroom 网络解释


1. 暗室:我很少到酒吧,暗室(Darkroom)跟着火(Lit)是我在纽约去的唯一不多的酒吧. 因为这两个酒吧是现在纽约摇滚乐界 的朋友们玩的地方. 两个酒吧的老板都是我的朋友. 暗室的老板叫杰森(Jason),着火的老板叫艾瑞克(Eric). 对不起,

2. 暗房:darkning mechanism 变暗机理 | darkroom 暗房 | Darlington 达林顿复合晶体管

3. 暗室 暗房 黑房、黑室 暗室:Cardboard 厚纸板 厚纸板 厚拮 厚纸板 | Darkroom 暗室 暗房 黑房、黑室 暗室 | Developing-out paper 印相纸 相纸 咪纸 相纸

4. 暗室/暗房:darkrespiration暗呼吸 | darkroom暗室,暗房 | darkseed需暗种子

darkroom 词典解释

1. (用于冲洗照片的)暗室,暗房
    A darkroom is a room which can be sealed off from natural light and is lit only by red light. It is used for developing photographs.

darkroom 单语例句

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1. He still uses a standard camera with real film that he develops in his darkroom.

2. As for the most impressive moment in his photography life, Zhang recalled the first time he developed old film in a darkroom.

3. The boy took to the new hobby with a passion, developing his photos with a friend in the family darkroom.

4. Assembling a portable darkroom filled with harmful substances requires some ingenuity on the photographer's part.

darkroom 英英释义


1. darkroom

1. a room in which photographs are developed