dawn chorus

dawn chorus [dɔ:n ˈkɔ:rəs]  [dɔn ˈkɔrəs] 

dawn chorus 基本解释
dawn chorus 网络解释

dawn chorus的翻译

1. 黎明合唱团:07 Nymph 宁静 | 08 Dawn Chorus黎明合唱团 | 09 Inspirations 启示

2. 破曉歌聲:9. 海鸚鵡 Puffin | 10. 破曉歌聲 Dawn Chorus | 11. 章魚 Octopus

3. 晨噪:黎明 dawn | 晨噪 dawn chorus | 晨侧椭圆极光 dawnside auroral oval

dawn chorus 单语例句

1. You won't need to take an alarm clock here, as the dawn chorus will probably have you up with the birds.