dead centre

dead centre [ded ˈsentə]  [dɛd ˈsɛntɚ] 

dead centre 基本解释
dead centre 网络解释

1. 死点;滞点:centre of mass 质量中心 | dead centre 死点;滞点 | centreline 中线;中心线

2. 死心,死点:死色,呆色 dead colour | 死心,死点 dead centre | 不工作区,静区 dead band

3. 僵持点:浆过的衬衫/fried shirt | 僵持点/dead centre | 讲话啰唆/long wind

4. 正中心:正午/high noon | 正中心/dead centre | 证券交易管理法规/blue-sky law

dead centre 单语例句


1. Six were brough back to the breeding centre after severe weight loss, one was found dead and another also is believed to have died.

dead centre 英英释义


1. the position of a crank when it is in line with the connecting rod and not exerting torque

    Synonym: dead center