名词聋; 聋度
1. 耳聋:一般将听力损失(hearing loss)统称为耳聋(deafness),过去习惯将听力损失较轻者称为如药物中毒性聋即属于此,常有重振现象;病变位于听神经及其传导径路者称神经性聋(蜗后性聋),听神经瘤所致之耳聋属此类,其特点为语言识别率明显下降,
2. 失聪:美国工业安全管理局(OSHA),向一些须在噪音极高地方工作者忠告,当声浪高达一百四十分贝(Decibel)时,内耳的毛发细胞(Hair Cell)会受伤,可导致耳鸣(Tinnitus),甚至失聪(Deafness).
3. 聋度:听力损失又称聋度(deafness)或听力级(hearing level). 是人耳在某一频率的听阈比正常听阈高出的分贝数. 由于年龄关系产生的听力损失称为老年性耳聋;由于社会环境噪声(年龄、职业性噪声和疾病等影响除外)产生的听力损失称为社会性耳聋;
1. The study was funded by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, part of the US National Institutes of Health.
2. BEIJING - The 21 dancers who perform the One Thousand Hands Buddha are admired across China because of their success in spite of their deafness.
3. The victim suffered temporary deafness in one ear and psychological problems as a result of the attacks.
4. Doctors at the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University of Shenyang found last year that the boy is suffering from congenital deafness.
5. She also pointed out some of the officers experienced temporary deafness and tinnitus.
6. deafness
6. A test is carried out on a boy to measure his deafness.
7. deafness是什么意思
7. The doctor gave her an injection of kanamycin, an antibiotic that can cause deafness if used improperly.
8. Other auxiliary police officers testified they experienced temporary deafness and thought Ki's actions were intimidating, humiliating and unnecessary.
9. About 12 percent survived but had significant impairments like blindness, deafness or cerebral palsy.