
debris [ˈdebri:]  [dəˈbri:] 

debris 基本解释

名词碎片,残骸; 残渣; [地]岩屑; 垃圾,破片

debris 相关例句


1. After the bombing there was a lot of debris everywhere.

debris 网络解释

1. 碎片:由近代研究发现分为整体(Integrity)与碎片(Debris)两种不同类型. 特点是与符合一定条件的生物接触后即可融合其中,同时赋予其宿主某种光怪陆离的特殊自然能力. 究其本质,GALAXY是某种终极精神作战武器的单兵搭载形式. 其背后所牵扯的秘密甚至与整个银河系长久的历史之河息息相关......

2. 碎屑:文章中,碎屑(Debris)是指的是细菌及其代谢产物,组织及其分解产物,以及前期牙本质和牙本质. 隔离(Isolation)是指充填材料完全将碎屑包裹,使之不能影响根尖周组织.

3. 废墟:它记录了一个叫郎铮的三岁男孩在地震十小时后被解放军从废墟(debris)中救出(rescue). 躺在担架(stretcher)上的他慢慢地举起右手向救他的人..初中的学习生涯即将结束了. 三年来,在你获取知识的同时,你的外貌,兴趣爱好,

4. 残骸:也相当于广岛原子弹四百倍的威力, 不可谓不惊人.Buried alive 中文翻成活埋, 实在是我所能想到最悲惨的事了, 一栋大楼倒塌就造成了七八十人活生生被埋在瓦砾堆中.而 rubble 指的是瓦砾, 和另一个字残骸 (debris)时常一起出现在地震

debris 词典解释

1. (被毁物的)残骸;碎片;垃圾
    Debris is pieces from something that has been destroyed or pieces of rubbish or unwanted material that are spread around.

    e.g. I stood at the foot of the collapsed tower and watched the rescue workers sifting through the debris...
    e.g. A number of people were killed by flying debris.

debris 单语例句

1. Next to the debris of her old home are five tents, four acting as bedrooms and one as a kitchen for her extended family of 14.

2. Zhu then lit a candle and placed it alongside the pork she had cooked and set by the debris.

3. The access is neatly maintained and free of plastic bottles or other holiday debris left by careless visitors.

4. Dental caries is an infection caused by plaque, a sticky film on teeth formed from accumulated food debris.

5. He and others used pieces of debris as makeshift stretchers to carry them to an ambulance.

6. Space debris means artificial objects or fragments cast off in the space, whether deliberately or unintentionally.

7. Kim and his 40 rescue team members were searching through the debris of a flattened chemical plant of Shifang city.

8. Judges reviewed the debris of plates and scraps and declared Chestnut the winner with 66.

9. debris的翻译

9. President Laura Chinchilla said at least 20 bodies had been pulled out the debris, including four minors.

10. More than 40 people have been taken to hospitals with minor injuries from falling debris, the city council said.

debris 英英释义



1. the remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up

    Synonym: dust junk rubble detritus