
debunching ['di:'bʌntʃɪŋ]  [dɪ'bʌntʃɪŋ] 

debunching 基本解释


名词散焦,散束,电子束离散; 散乱

debunching 网络解释

1. 散束:debugging 调试排除故障排除程序中错误 | debunching 散束 | deburring 去毛刺

2. 電子散束:除错变数赋值 debugging variable assignment | 电子散束 debunching | 德拜 Debye

3. 散群作用:debunchine /散束/ | debunching /散群作用/ | debunk /揭穿/暴露/拆穿假面具/

4. 散束 弥散:debuncher 去聚器 散束器 | debunching 散束 弥散 | debunchingaction 离散作用 散束作用

debunching 双语例句

1. Though the neutralization of transverse space charge effect has the advantage of suppressing transverse emittance growth, the depth of longitudinal potential wells becomes less and bunching forces weaken because of the longitudinal space charge effect of the beam with opposite charge state. At the same time, longitudinal debunching effect of the bunches is enlarged, hence more ions near the two ends of bucket are attracted to the bunches of opposite charge state. These ions leave their own bucket and become lost in either longitudinal or transverse direction, which results in a descent of the total transmission rate.

2. After performing all those barrel rolls, loops and other acrobatic maneuvers, the fighters got ready for debunching, performing various aerobatics operations they got very close to trees and could be seen very well from the tribunes.
    在执行所有这些每桶卷,循环和其他杂技演习,战士有准备debunching ,表演各种特技飞行业务,他们也有非常密切的树木,可以被很好的tribunes 。

3. Combining with reverse process of actual industrial producls, a comprehensive account is made on the technical main points of such processes as surface digitalization, error-correcting of debunching data, regularization of debunching data, reconstitution of camber, and CAD modeling.
    但是 ,为了适应飞机、汽车、模具等行业中的实际需要,仍有许多产品并非由 CAD模型描述,使得设计和制造人员经常面对的是实物样件。