abbr.Data Equipment Company <美>数据设备公司
1. 减:必须同时用到A与B暂存器.例如乘法, A乘以B的结果,将低位元存A,高位元存入B.例如乘法, A除以B的结果,将商存入A,馀数存入B.例如,A=57H,B=12H,两数相乘的结果如下,递增(INC)与递减(DEC)运算,允许将A,Rn(工作暂存器),
2. 减一:其中包括P0、P1、P2、P3端口的对应缓存器,以及稍候我们作UART通讯功能会用到的SCON串行控制缓存器、与定时器/计数器控制缓存器.... 算术运算指令:数据做加(ADD)、减(SUB)、乘(MUL)、除(DIV)运算,或加一(INC),减一(DEC)等运算.
3. (译码 ):对应的流水线结构分别为:取指(Ifet ch)、译码(Dec)、执行(Exec)、存储器操作(Mem)和写回寄存器(WB). 如图2所示,指令在流水线上顺序执行,但是同周期有五条指令相交迭. 所以采用流水线结构大大提高了指令的并行性,CPI近似等于1.
4. dec:data-exchanging center; 数据交换中心
5. dec:digital engine control; 数位引擎控制
6. dec:dott expect cuts; 别指望降价
7. dec:do expect cuts; 确实期待削减
1. The Syrian government signed the observer mission protocol in Cairo on Dec 19, after the AL threatened to refer the Syrian crisis to the United Nations Security Council.
2. It usually coincides with Dec 21 to 23 in the Gregorian calendar and is the shortest day of the year.
3. DEC的近义词
3. " NYT does not have the ability to manage its capital structure organically, " Barclays Capital analyst Hale Holden said in a Dec 23 research note.
4. Click " Like " on the Le Chef Facebook page for a 50 percent discount on the a la carte dinner menu till Dec 18.
5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全
5. Berlusconi was hit in Milan on Dec 13, when a man threw the statuette of Milan's cathedral at his face during a rally.
6. He declared on Dec 27 on his micro blog that he would cease serving shark fin in his restaurant.
7. Deputy Prime Minister Naoto Kan said that the central bank's Dec 1 credit easing had a " considerable impact " on weakening the yen.
8. But ticket sales greatly exceeded expectations since organizers decided to add one more show on Dec 21.
9. DEC的近义词
9. The penguin chick was born Dec 23, is in good health and a star attraction at the animal sanctuary.
10. He served as the Party chief of the Tibet Autonomous Region from Dec 2004 to May 2006.