deciduous teeth

deciduous teeth [dɪˈsɪdʒu:əs ti:θ]  [dɪˈsɪdʒuəs tiθ] 

deciduous teeth 基本解释

乳牙; 蜕齿

deciduous teeth 网络解释

1. 乳牙:2.牙的分类 人的一生有两副牙齿,按萌出先后,分为乳牙(deciduous teeth)和恒牙(permanent teeth). 乳牙是在生后6个月开始萌出,6~7岁开始脱落,共20个;恒牙是在6~7岁开始萌出,替代乳牙,其中第3磨牙,又称迟牙或智牙(wisdom tooty),

2. 恒牙:口腔 permanent teeth | 恒牙 deciduous teeth | 乳牙 salivary gland

3. 乳齿,乳牙,暂牙,蜕齿:lar ==> 乳磨牙 | deciduous teeth ==> 乳齿,乳牙,暂牙,蜕齿 | deciduous tooth retention ==> 乳牙滞留

deciduous teeth 单语例句

1. Between four to eight months, puppies shed all their deciduous teeth and grow a new set of permanent teeth.