
decipher [dɪˈsaɪfə(r)]  [dɪˈsaɪfɚ] 







decipher 基本解释


及物动词解读; 破译(密码); 辨认(潦草字迹); 解释(古代文学)


decipher 相关例句


1. I can't decipher his sloppy handwriting.

decipher 网络解释

1. 解密:竟然是出自新人之手. 2. 以密码谜团挂帅为中心. 大部分都单刀直入必须以解密(decipher)来完成. 可是要在生活作息上发明一套加密/解密(encryption/decryption)还真的是不简单,可见江户川乱步的确是下足了功夫.

2. 氐愢缹:点式雷击术 氐愢缹(DECIPHER)→异能破解术 蕊德尤迈恩(READ U MIND)→读心术 降魔神功第一诀北嗑吐海洏(BACK TO HELL)→驱魔诀 伏瑞斯=凝结术->挣扎变成->斯罗摩迅=慢动作术 坎绰劢脬佤(CONTROL MY POWER)→鬼控术 芣恪厮(FOCUS)→专注术 椿缌芣(TRANSFER)→异能移转术 缪特(MUTE)→静音术 降魔神功第二诀锶夸浀泆缹(

3. 解释,译解:decide 决定,决心 | decipher 解释,译解 | decode 译解

4. 译码:(祝愿......)一路平安,一路顺风speed somebody on their way; speed the parting guest | 译码decipher | 以民为本、为民谋利rely on the people and work for the well-being of the people

decipher 词典解释

1. 破译;译解
    If you decipher a piece of writing or a message, you work out what it says, even though it is very difficult to read or understand.

    e.g. I'm still no closer to deciphering the code.

decipher 单语例句

1. The proposal sets off a chain of events and leaves the audience trying to decipher where Wyke's imagination ends and where reality begins.

2. Anything that he does becomes a " mystery clue " that they spend a long time trying to decipher.

3. decipher的解释

3. Chinese dermatoglyphic scholars and researchers have long wanted to compile comprehensive data of the country's ethnic groups to decipher their origins.

4. " Experts are still working to decipher the characters, " he said.

5. As most language students practice more reading than listening, trying to decipher lines from a typical Hollywood movie is tantamount to recreating it.

6. The newspaper quoted an unidentified American source who said that lip readers had been unable to decipher what the men were saying.

7. The subject has stretched some of the world's best scientific minds while the calculations to decipher the variables are vast.

8. She first used the foreign language for her teenage diary so that her siblings wouldn't be able to decipher it.

9. To decipher the enigma of netspeak, we assembled a list of acronyms that Chinese netizens have created and popularized.

10. With the help of an expert lip reader the Daily Mail was able to decipher what led to the violent outburst.

decipher 英英释义


1. decipher的翻译

1. read with difficulty

    e.g. Can you decipher this letter?
           The archeologist traced the hieroglyphs

    Synonym: trace

2. convert code into ordinary language

    Synonym: decode decrypt