
deck [dek]  [dɛk] 







deck 基本解释

名词甲板,舱板; [建]平屋顶,桥面; [铁路]客车车顶; 〈俚〉地面

及物动词装饰; 给…铺上甲板; 打扮

deck 相关词组

1. on deck : 在甲板上;

deck 相关例句



1. The floats in the parade were decked out with flags.

2. The room was decked with flowers.

3. She was decked out in finest clothes.


1. The upper, main, middle, and lower decks of a ship are somewhat like the stories of a house.

deck 网络解释


1. 甲板:包括龙骨翼板、弯曲外板及上舷外板三部分. (二)船架(Frame)船架是指为支撑船壳所用各种材料的总称,分为纵材和横材两部分. 纵材包括龙骨、底骨和边骨;横材包括肋骨、船梁和舱壁. (三)甲板(Deck)甲板是铺在船梁上的钢板...

2. 平台:[求] 大量收购:庭院范围屋前平台(DECK)雪松又称香柏 发布日期:2004-10-12 有效期:2个月需购买:A) 庭院范围屋前平台(DECK)使用木 - 松木,1 & 2 com (pine) OR :B) 需购买: 庭院范围屋前平台(DECK)使用木 - 香柏木 (雪松又称

3. 层:十八、非接触式内浮顶盖 (Noncontact Internal Floating Roof):指浮顶之板层 (Deck) 位于浮筒上而使板层高于液面数英寸者. 二十五、机械式鞋形密封 (Mechanical Shoe Seal) :指以一金属薄板,藉弹簧及重杠杆使金属薄板垂直紧抵于储槽之槽体壁板上,

4. 版:(A) 基本上是以网状图(network)为规划工具(C) 钢梁与钢承版(deck)接合 (D) 钢梁与剪力连接物接合7. 冷房度日(degree days)的计算与下列何者关系最小?8. 建筑物理环境指标中,新有效温度(SE T)比有效温度(ET)增加评估的因子为何?

deck 词典解释

1. (公共汽车、船等的)层面,(一)层
    A deck on a vehicle such as a bus or ship is a lower or upper area of it.

    e.g. ...sitting on the top deck of the number 13 bus.
           坐在 13 路公共汽车的顶层
    e.g. ...a luxury liner with five passenger decks.

2. (最上层露天的)甲板,舱面
    The deck of a ship is the top part of it that forms a floor in the open air which you can walk on.

    e.g. She stood on the deck and waved.

3. (录音机的)走带装置,匣仓;(唱机的)转盘支托面
    A tape deck or record deck is a piece of equipment on which you play tapes or records.

    e.g. ...the tape deck in my car...
    e.g. I stuck a tape in the deck.

4. (纸牌的)一副
    A deck of cards is a complete set of playing cards.

    e.g. Matt picked up the cards and shuffled the deck.

in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 pack

5. (房屋旁的)木制平台
    A deck is a flat wooden area next to a house, where people can sit and relax or eat.

    e.g. A natural timber deck leads into the main room of the home.

6. 装饰;装点
    If something is decked with pretty things, it is decorated with them.

    e.g. Villagers decked the streets with bunting...
    e.g. The house was decked with flowers.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 击倒;打翻
    If someone decks you, they hit you so that you fall over.

    e.g. I hear you decked him and scared the hell out of his buddies.

8. 在甲板下
    If someone or something is below decks, they are inside a ship in the part of it that is underneath the deck.

    e.g. The crew of the trawler were gathered below decks.

9. 清除障碍以准备开始新的工作(或行动)
    If you clear the decks, you get ready to start something new by finishing any work that has to be done or getting rid of any problems that are in the way.

    e.g. The hostage release could clear the decks for war.
    e.g. Clear the decks before you think of taking on any more responsibilities.

10. 倒在地上
      If someone or something hits the deck, they fall to the ground.

      e.g. Andover's body hit the deck.

相关词组:deck out

deck 单语例句


1. A boat with a man in a straw rain cape on the deck did not make a single splash.

2. Survivors said they jumped from the upper deck and swam for the shore after the boat began to capsize in stormy conditions.

3. deck在线翻译

3. " Today will be forever remembered as China's Navy has entered an era of aircraft carrier, " Zhang told Xinhua on the carrier's flight deck.

4. deck

4. But he suggested the country develop carriers using what he called catapult stroke technology on the flight deck.

5. A demonstrator jumped from the deck of a footbridge in Ngau Chi Wan Friday, during a protest against new wet market tenancy contracts.

6. " Deck the Halls " strains to be both naughty and nice with much clamor and not much conviction.

7. When Lam entered the wheel house at the upper deck, he described seeing a man with his backpack clinging to a pole.

8. At least five of the protesters climbed the upper deck of the pier and ripped off the tarpaulin covering the scaffolding in many places.

9. Peng ordered the crew to cut off the ladder that connected the deck with the cabin area.

10. The cell phone users on Friday were reporters crowding the deck of a lone ship near the site.

deck 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. any of various platforms built into a vessel

2. deck的反义词

2. street name for a packet of illegal drugs

3. deck

3. a porch that resembles the deck on a ship

4. a pack of 52 playing cards

    Synonym: pack of cards deck of cards


1. knock down with force

    e.g. He decked his opponent

    Synonym: coldcock dump knock down floor

2. decorate

    e.g. deck the halls with holly

    Synonym: bedight bedeck

3. be beautiful to look at

    e.g. Flowers adorned the tables everywhere

    Synonym: adorn decorate grace embellish beautify