declaration of war

declaration of war [ˌdekləˈreiʃən ɔv wɔ:]  [ˌdɛkləˈreʃən ʌv wɔr] 

declaration of war 基本解释


[法] 宣战

declaration of war 网络解释

1. 宣战:Declaration of Shut out 到达载重线要求退关声明 | Declaration of War 宣战 | declaration policy 长期有效保险单

2. 宣战 一般外交辞汇:59 deadlock 僵局 一般外交辞汇 | 60 declaration of war 宣战 一般外交辞汇 | 61 depredation 夺 一般外交辞汇

declaration of war 单语例句

1. declaration of war

1. The Cairo Declaration of 1943 and the Potsdam Proclamation of 1945 defined the terms for the Japanese surrender at the end of World War II.

2. The UN Human Right Council issued a declaration of condemnation on the human rights violations and called for reconciliation to prevent civil war.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. NATO leaders issued a united declaration of support on Thursday for efforts to disarm Iraq, papering over deep differences on the US threat to go to war.

4. declaration of war的意思

4. The country's National Defense Commission on Saturday denounced the drills as a " silent declaration of war ".

5. Iraq said the US draft was like a declaration of war on both Baghdad and the United Nations.

6. declaration of war的反义词

6. The DPRK has said it would consider any interception of its ships a declaration of war.

7. The DPRK has long warned it would consider Seoul's participation in the Proliferation Security Initiative as a declaration of war against the DPRK.

8. North Korea said it would consider sanctions against it a declaration of war.

9. Yesterday's move follows an earlier declaration of war on copyrighted material hosted by web giants such as YouTube and eBay.


10. Yassin also denounced a speech by President Bush to the United Nations on Tuesday as a declaration of war on Islam.