1. 十进位转八进位:dechex: 十进位转十六进位. | decoct: 十进位转八进位. | exp: 自然对数 e 的次方值.
2. 熬,煲:cuisine 烹饪 | decoct 熬,煲 | dining room safety 餐厅安全
3. 熬:declutch 分开离合器 | decoct 熬 | decoction 煎煮
4. 熬、煎:烧、煮Cook | 熬、煎Decoct | 烤Grilled
1. steep in hot water
2. be cooked until very little liquid is left
e.g. The sauce should reduce to one cup
Synonym: boil down reduce concentrate
3. extract the essence of something by boiling it