
deduce [dɪˈdju:s]  [dɪˈdu:s] 





deduce 基本解释


及物动词演绎; 推论,推断; 追溯根源

deduce 同义词



deduce 反义词


deduce 相关例句



1. If you see a doctor leaving a house, you may deduce that someone in the house is ill.

2. What do you deduce from these facts?

3. On the basis of the evidence we deduced that he was guilty.

deduce 网络解释


1. 演绎:这些规范性的问题,不可能通过事实权威或权威与服从的实例得到正当化证明,而是要借助演绎(deduce)的方法,即根据权威与道德的一般原则进行推论. 沃尔夫的主要目的,就是要通过这种演绎说明,合法权威的概念与道德自主在逻辑上是不相容的,

2. 推论:定理是Theorem,是要根据基本的公理来推论(Deduce)的公理是Axiom,它不需要证明,是人们的共识,是常识(Common Sense). 公理就是在一个理论系统中被默认为真的命题,而定理是根据公理或其他的真命题(定理)推导出来的真命题.

3. 推理:对于全文的理解,读者主要用总结(sum-up)、概括(outline)、归纳(induce)、推理(deduce)等思路. 四级阅读测试一般包括4篇文章的阅读,每篇后有5道选择题. 这些的类型多种多样,但归纳起来大致可分为二大类,

deduce 词典解释

1. 推论;推断;演绎
    If you deduce something or deduce that something is true, you reach that conclusion because of other things that you know to be true.

    e.g. Alison had cleverly deduced that I was the author of the letter.
    e.g. The date of the document can be deduced from references to the Civil War...

deduce 单语例句

1. deduce的反义词

1. BPA could also be used to deduce evidence that can be presented in court to blow apart a criminal's lies.

2. deduce是什么意思

2. From the NYT article, it is natural to deduce that the author meant " commercial success ".

3. From the explanation given by an official from Harbin's tourism bureau, we can deduce the beer fountain had the backing of the local government.

4. How much they earn has been kept such a good secret that even the China National Statistics Bureau cannot deduce a definite figure.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. The pair managed to deduce the bankcard's password after just five attempts by using clues drawn from the ID card.

6. Various personalization options for exterior and interior colors and materials for consumers deduce infinite possibilities.

7. deduce是什么意思

7. In logic, a premise is a judgment that can be used to deduce another judgment.

8. deduce的翻译

8. However, scientists deduce that animals are the most possible source of the disease.

9. According to Maduro, the video allowed lawmakers " to deduce " that the United States was involved.

10. We can also deduce that the larger the area, the more waste there will be in the conversion.

deduce 英英释义


1. deduce

1. reason by deduction
    establish by deduction

    Synonym: infer deduct derive

2. conclude by reasoning
    in logic

    Synonym: infer