
defection [dɪ'fekʃn]  [dɪ'fekʃn] 


defection 基本解释


defection 网络解释


1. 背叛:在囚犯困境模式下,每一个行为者都有优势战略(dominantstrategy),即背叛(defection). 因为缺乏对方行动的信息,每一方都试图通过欺诈获得最大的利益,而不管另一方获益与否. 因此,最终结果是双方都背叛. 然而不幸的是,

2. 背信:在囚徒两难中,假如合作,那么双方的收益最大,但是理性利己的博弈者最终还是会做出背信(defection)的行为,就是基于双方分析对方采取合作和背信策略的可能性,计算自己在合作和背信策略下的期望收益,进行比较,最后采取使自己的期望收益最大的,

3. 缺点过失变节:defect 缺陷 | defection 缺点 过失 变节 | defection 缺点过失变节

4. 缺点:defect 过失 | defection 缺点 | defective verb 变化不完全的动词

defection 单语例句

1. NBC News said anger about Imus among some of its employees had as much to do with ending the MSNBC simulcast as the advertiser defection.

2. His behavior constituted the crime of defection and the circumstances were serious.

3. The Libyan government has reportedly seen defection of its security forces and the resignation of diplomats since the protests broke out on Feb 16.

4. defection

4. New Zealand opposed Australia's move amid concern their defection could dilute the quality of the region and leave it vulnerable to FIFA politics.

5. The president also got some upbeat news on the political front this week with the defection of Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter from the Republican Party.

6. No matter how many years have passed, defection and trickery will not make Japan a dignified nation.

7. The defection has capped other defections that have been reported over the past months.

8. The ABC report said Amiri has been extensively debriefed since his defection and said he helped confirm US intelligence assessments about the Iranian nuclear program.

defection 英英释义



1. withdrawing support or help despite allegiance or responsibility

    e.g. his abandonment of his wife and children left them penniless

    Synonym: desertion abandonment

2. the state of having rejected your religious beliefs or your political party or a cause (often in favor of opposing beliefs or causes)

    Synonym: apostasy renunciation