
defend [dɪˈfend]  [dɪˈfɛnd] 







defend 基本解释

及物/不及物动词保卫; 辩护; (足球、曲棍球等)防守; 进行辩护

defend 同义词


动词support shield protect safeguard

defend 反义词


及物动词attack assail charge

defend 相关例句


1. He's better at defending than attacking.

2. She had to defend herself against the guard dog.

3. She defended herself successfully in court.

4. The accused man had a lawyer to defend him.

5. We shall defend our city, whatever the cost may be.

defend 网络解释


1. 防御:E类:防御(Defend) 防御力+25%??注意:多个C类效果是相乘关系,防护(Defender)魔法必须在采取防御姿态时才有效??A类:各种各种提高生物防御力的宝物(都是百分比形式),守卫者(Warden) 防御力+10%. 有多个英雄时,对每个英雄分别求和,

2. 保卫:而且懂得经商且分享着极大的财富.但是果真得好好想想~ 如果战争或者大规模的种族歧视,宗教歧视爆发了.他们连个能躲避歧视的地方都没有,连个能在国际社会上站出来保卫(defend)他们的国家都不存在

3. 守:防守(Defend)、支持(Support)指令从不自己单独结算,它们只有在此区域遭遇到其它行军指令攻击时才结算. 假如有着防守指令的某区域遭到攻击,防守指令将提升防守者的战斗强度ⅲ巩固权力(Consolidate Power)让玩家可以收集更多权力值.

4. 防守:第三类是进攻(attack),有带球,射门,无球跑动,任意球等;第四类是防守(defend),有铲球,盯人,位置感、弹跳等等. 而且在球员的历史纪录中可以看到他们曾经效力的俱乐部、各个联赛所进的球等等. (估计黄建翔在解说中就是参考CM的,

defend 词典解释

1. defend的近义词

1. 防御;保卫;保护
    If you defend someone or something, you take action in order to protect them.

    e.g. Every man who could fight was now committed to defend the ridge...
    e.g. His courage in defending religious and civil rights inspired many outside the church...

2. 替…辩护;为…辩解;维护
    If you defend someone or something when they have been criticized, you argue in support of them.

    e.g. Matt defended all of Clarence's decisions, right or wrong...
    e.g. The author defends herself against charges of racism by noting that blacks are only one of her targets...

3. (律师)为(被告)辩护
    When a lawyer defends a person who has been accused of something, the lawyer argues on their behalf in a court of law that the charges are not true.

    e.g. ...a lawyer who defended political prisoners during the military regime...
    e.g. He has hired a lawyer to defend him against the allegations...

4. 卫(冕)
    When a sports player plays in the tournament which they won the previous time it was held, you can say that they are defending their title.

    e.g. Torrence expects to defend her title successfully in the next Olympics...
    e.g. India had to struggle to beat defending champions South Korea 2-0.
           印度队苦战之下才以 2 比 0 击败卫冕冠军韩国队。

defend 单语例句

1. Japan has been making efforts across the board to improve its ability to defend itself, having depended on the United States for protection since World War II.

2. defend在线翻译

2. Huang recalled that he and a group of villagers once tried to defend their fields by running night patrols but were threatened by the gangs.

3. defend的翻译

3. According to inside information disclosed by the Japanese Kyodo News Agency Japan Defense Agency has enacted specific action plan to defend the southwest islands.

4. The agency has to be prepared to defend its action against a lawsuit.

5. She said her agency will keep close watch over the development and is discussing with Chinese producers about whether to take action to defend themselves.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

6. They become fair game by virtue of their ubiquity, or inability to defend themselves.

7. Tyson was unable to defend himself at the end as a looping right sent him into the ropes and he slumped to the canvas.

8. defend在线翻译

8. But the fact is China has been acting to defend its national interests, whether it is the Taiwan question or carbon rights distribution.

9. They are not allowed to use police weapons, but they can carry sticks to defend themselves if attacked by pickpockets.


10. The woman awoke in acute pain and raised her arm instinctively to defend herself, but Kubo kept on with the attack.

defend 英英释义



1. argue or speak in defense of

    e.g. She supported the motion to strike

    Synonym: support fend for

2. defend的意思

2. state or assert

    e.g. He maintained his innocence

    Synonym: maintain

3. fight against or resist strongly

    e.g. The senator said he would oppose the bill
           Don't fight it!

    Synonym: fight oppose fight back fight down

4. be on the defensive
    act against an attack

5. defend

5. protect against a challenge or attack

    e.g. Hold that position behind the trees!
           Hold the bridge against the enemy's attacks

    Synonym: guard hold

6. protect or fight for as a champion

    Synonym: champion

7. be the defense counsel for someone in a trial

    e.g. Ms. Smith will represent the defendant

    Synonym: represent