1. 该抛射体是否在飞行时减弱:CourseLockDuration = 该抛射体对它最初的目标锁定的时间. | Degenerates = 该抛射体是否在飞行时减弱. | Dropping = 是否从起始高度落下.
2. 是否威力和距離反比 (預設值=no):; Arm = 投射延迟时间 (预设值=0) | ; Degenerates = 是否威力和距离反比 (预设值=no)? | ; Dropping = 是否为空投 (预设值=no)?
3. 在飞行时减弱:Cluster 爆炸数量 | Degenerates 在飞行时减弱b | SubjectToCliffs 射击悬崖b
1. Prime Minister Donald Tusk said late last year he wanted obligatory castration for pedophiles, whom he branded'degenerates'.
2. It would still be a hen but the ovary on the left side degenerates and the right side begins to release testosterone.
3. International discourse on human rights sometimes degenerates into hollow ideological jostling because perceptions of civil rights and freedoms are too divergent between countries and cultures.
4. However, people tend to discriminate against them as people with character flaws and consider them degenerates.
5. Instead of critically debating complicated public policy issues with an open mind, the public debate degenerates into a witch hunt.
6. I will not even be surprised if I am told that China has the biggest number of jerks and degenerates.
7. The opening attack on the US president seems promising, but the film quickly degenerates from there.