
delayed [dɪ'leɪd]  [dɪ'leɪd] 




delayed 基本解释
延时的,定时的;推迟;耽搁,延误( delay的过去式和过去分词 );使延期;使延迟;
delayed 网络解释

1. 延误:由于货期延误(delayed) 这批鞋本该运往新加波的鞋,被YY公司取消,永远留在了中国,工厂为了回笼资金,低于成本抛货. 这就是价格低的吓人的原因. 关于真鞋和仿鞋的几点心得:仿制者一般都没有足够的订单数量来分摊巨额的底模费,

2. 延迟:此类疾病大约可分为两种,其症状是在创伤后六个月内发生被认为是属急性(acute)症状,如果症状超过六个月后才发生,则被认为是属延迟(delayed)症状. 美国的心理咨询工作者,至少要获得心理咨询硕士学位,并在相应的专业领域完成规定的实习内容和实习时间.

3. 误点:我所要乘坐的加航(Air Canada)上海去温哥华的飞机误点(delayed)到达浦东机场,所以起飞时间(Departure Time)也由原先8:08延迟到了19:40. 而估计到达时间(ETA)为下午两点(温哥华时间),比原定到达时间晚了两个小时左右,

4. 延误比赛:Deck 船前后的舱板 | Delayed 延误比赛 | Deviation 偏离航道

delayed 单语例句

1. He delayed his registration by a month to deal with the business related to his team.

2. But if the full Senate doesn't vote by then, his appointment could be delayed till early September.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. The 2007 suffers a little by comparison because that year's vintage was hit by severe frosts that reduced crop levels and delayed the vintage.

4. Early morning thunderstorms delayed fueling of the rocket launching the orbiter and pushed back the time of the liftoff by at least an hour Thursday.

5. On the evening of March 22, the flight to Beijing was delayed 15 minutes as the cabin crew rearranged luggage.

6. But action in the Senate has been delayed as lawmakers wrestle with overhauling the health care system.

7. Thousands of passengers are stranded at Beijing Capital Airport and several flights are delayed on Friday morning after the airport's computer network broke down.

8. Beijing Capital International Airport cancelled 59 flights and delayed hundreds of others.

9. Thunderstorms and downpours inundated the Chinese capital Beijing Saturday night, leaving nearly 100 flights delayed or canceled at the Beijing Capital International Airport.

10. delayed的意思

10. Stranded passengers pack Terminal 3 of Beijing Capital International Airport on June 17, after flights were canceled or delayed because of thunderstorms.

delayed 英英释义



1. delayed的翻译

1. not as far along as normal in development