
delegate [ˈdelɪgət]  [ˈdɛlɪˌɡet] 










delegate 基本解释


及物动词委派代表; 授权给; [法律]债务转移

delegate 相关例句


1. The Chinese people delegate their power to the People's Congress.

2. The director delegated all the routine work to his executive staff.

3. We have delegated Bill to attend the meeting.

4. The people delegate their power to the Congress.


1. Babbitt was an official delegate.

delegate 网络解释

1. 委派:.NET Compact Framework 可让机器码使用回呼 (Callback) 委派 (Delegate) 呼叫 Managed 程式码. 透过子类别化 (Subclass) Managed 控制项以接收从对应原生控制项的回呼,您就可以建立具备 .NET Compact Framework 中无法直接使用功能的控制项.

delegate 词典解释
The noun is pronounced /'delɪgət/. The verb is pronounced /'delɪgeɪt/. 名词读作/'delɪgət/。动词读作/'delɪgeɪt/。

1. delegate的解释

1. 代表;(尤指)会议代表
    A delegate is a person who is chosen to vote or make decisions on behalf of a group of other people, especially at a conference or a meeting.

2. 授(权);把(职责、责任等)委托(给)
    If you delegate duties, responsibilities, or power to someone, you give them those duties, those responsibilities, or that power so that they can act on your behalf.

    e.g. He plans to delegate more authority to his deputies...
    e.g. How many of their activities can be safely and effectively delegated to less trained staff?...

A key factor in running a business is the delegation of responsibility.


3. 授权,委派(做)
    If you are delegated to do something, you are given the duty of acting on someone else's behalf by making decisions, voting, or doing some particular work.

    e.g. Officials have now been delegated to start work on a draft settlement.

delegate 单语例句

1. delegate在线翻译

1. Edwards was under pressure to not only win a number of big states, but win them by substantial margins in order to make up the delegate differences.

2. Clinton spoke on the eve of the delegate roll call in which both she and Obama will be nominated for president.

3. Tehran's chief delegate here vowed that Iran would become a nuclear fuel producer and supplier within a decade.

4. US chief delegate Jonathan Pershing said the US intended to be part of a deal, but would ensure that any deal it signed would be accepted by Congress.

5. US officials dismissed North Korea's opening comments as unsurprising rhetoric, while the chief American delegate said it was time to move forward on disarmament.

6. Chief US delegate Christopher Hill was cautiously optimistic about the prospect, saying the talks process was still on track.

7. A DPRK delegate said his team had repeated Pyongyang's position that the case on abductions was closed.

8. That explains why Tsang plans to delegate some administrative powers to the district councils.

9. delegate的近义词

9. A Yemeni delegate told Reuters the ministers will finalize a OIC resolution on the Palestinian conflict.

10. Authorities said the Welcoming Committee's plans to disrupt the convention with tactics included blockading delegate buses and injuring police officers.

delegate 英英释义


1. a person appointed or elected to represent others


1. give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person)

    Synonym: designate depute assign

2. delegate什么意思

2. transfer power to someone

    Synonym: depute