
delivered [dɪ'lɪvəd]  [dɪ'lɪvəd]





delivered 基本解释
在…交货的,包括运费在内的;发表;递送,交付( deliver的过去式和过去分词 );交出;发动;
delivered 网络解释


1. 送:也就是说,事件信息在请求实现了XEP 0022中的撰写(composing)和离线(offline)事件;XEP 0184实现了XEP 0022中传送(delivered)和显示(displayed)事件XEP 0083扩展协议定义了关于花名册(Roster)中组概念的逻辑和实现方式其中提到,

2. 传送:(Composing)事件,但这个事件,也仅仅是个会话级别(session-level )的状态,而类似XEP-0022中定义的消息级别(permessage event )的状态,比如传送(Delivered)和显示IM用户一般都会比较关心撰写(Composing)状态,因为可以得知对方是不是正在关注本次会话,

3. 已交货,已支付的:Delivered 已交货,已支付的 | Delivery 交货,交付 | Demand 需求,要求

4. 已传送呼叫:Delete Message 删除信息 | Delivered 已传送呼叫 | Divert Call Service 转移呼叫

delivered 单语例句

1. The program was developed and delivered by the Global Entrepreneurship Research Center at the School of Management at Zhejiang University and by Said Business School.

2. With the help of the business sector, equipment and materials needed in emergent issues can be quickly produced and delivered.

3. Feng suggested an act on government information disclosure be delivered so that taxpayers could oversee government expenditure.

4. By now the plant has delivered steam turbines to major domestic power companies such as China Guodian Corporation and China Power Investment Corporation.

5. delivered的反义词

5. The Daily Telegraph said Hamza stood by his sermon, which was delivered in 2003 and posted to the Internet late last year.

6. delivered的意思

6. It was the first aid delivered under internationally backed funding restrictions that bypass the Palestinian government led by the militant group Hamas since March.

7. The actor was in the delivery room while Angelina delivered the baby via Caesarean section in a private hospital on Saturday.

8. Teresa Anderson delivered the rare quintuplets by Caesarean section within five minutes and without complications at Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center.

9. The baby would be delivered by Caesarean section to avoid other risks involving the transplanted uterus.

10. Both Zhao and Du delivered via caesarean section operations and are sharing the same ward at the Hubei hospital.