
demarkation [ˌdi:mɑ:'keɪʃən]  [ˌdi:mɑ:'keɪʃən] 

demarkation 基本解释
demarkation 网络解释


1. 定界:demark 区别 | demarkation 定界 | dematerialize 非物质化

2. 定界; 分界 (名):demarche 行动方针; 行动新方针 (名) | demarkation 定界; 分界 (名) | demean 贬低...的身份; 使表现 (动)

demarkation 双语例句

1. We have completed the demarkation work in the eastern section of our boarder.

2. Such demarkation - that is gay, that is not - accomplishes basically nothing.

3. A distributed environment, whereby Lotus Webform Server is remote, gives the best demarkation of concerns, and allows for separate maintenance schedules.

4. The application of electronic plane system 98 (eps98) in building land surveying and demarkation

5. The key point of successful removal is to explore a clear demarkation between the tumor and the spinal cord.

6. Significance of Lymphadenectomy in Patients with Epithelial Ovarian Cancer at Second Exploratory Operation The key point of successful removal is to explore a clear demarkation between the tumor and the spinal cord.

7. Demarkation iterative algorithm for water balance of reservoir (2) The method based on all the machines (LB2).