
demerit [di:ˈmerɪt]  [dɪˈmɛrɪt] 


demerit 基本解释


demerit 网络解释


1. 缺点:dementia simplex 单纯性痴呆 | demerit 缺点 | demethylation 脱甲基作用脱甲基作用

2. 短处,过失,缺点:demean 贬抑,降低 | demerit 短处,过失,缺点 | demise 死亡

3. 記過:头发,指甲. . . Hair, Nails... | 记过. . . Demerit... | 机会. . . Chance...

demerit 词典解释

1. 过失;缺点
    The demerits of something or someone are their faults or disadvantages.

    e.g. ...articles debating the merits and demerits of the three candidates.
           就 3 位候选人的优缺点进行辩论的文章

demerit 单语例句

1. The head of the corps was demoted and another five received demerit points or serious warnings.

2. The Squawk and Defiant Scum from Hong Kong, together with local bands Demerit and Gang Bang Sex Abuse round out the night.

3. demerit的意思

3. Unless one is involved in a major traffic accident, the demerit point system has virtually little deterrent effect.

4. demerit的意思

4. Major officials in charge of the airport got a demerit in their official records and the SUV was auctioned.

5. A warning letter will be issued when a contractor accumulates more than 12 demerit points in a year.

6. They will be joined by fellow punk rockers SUBS and Demerit, two of China's finest hardcore outfits.

7. The student surnamed Li received a demerit from Beijing Forestry University in 2007 for cheating in an exam.


8. Perhaps the most dramatic demerit of his file is Xiao's marriage.

9. The school claimed the plaintiff was recorded a demerit because she was absent from classes many times prior to the incident.

demerit 英英释义



1. demerit的意思

1. the quality of being inadequate or falling short of perfection

    e.g. they discussed the merits and demerits of her novel
           he knew his own faults much better than she did

    Synonym: fault

2. a mark against a person for misconduct or failure
    usually given in school or armed forces

    e.g. ten demerits and he loses his privileges