
demigod [ˈdemigɒd]  [ˈdemigɑ:d] 



demigod 基本解释


demigod 相关例句



1. They considered him a demigod and mysterious teacher.

2. They doubt if a man can be changed into a demigod.

demigod 网络解释

1. 半神:97)<<半神>>(Demigod) 2DVD 简体中文版(最新RTS即时战略游戏大作) (2999)<<英雄连4勇气传说>> 2DVD 真正中文版(最新大型即时战略游戏大作) (3005)<<代号装甲之冷战>>2DVD 中文完全破解版(最新即时战略大作) (3012)<<帝国:全面战争>>2DVD真正最终中文2.0版 (真正中文版本,

2. 半神半人:近期,由知名游戏人Chris Taylor率领Gas Powered Games公司研发的大型空想题材RTS网络游戏<<半神半人>>(Demigod)官方网站进行了更新... (101 字)近期,由知名游戏人Chris Taylor率领Gas Powered Games公司研发的大型空想题材RTS网络游戏<<半神半人>>(Demigod)官方网站进行了更新.

3. 半神的:18. Immortal 不朽的 | 19. Demigod 半神的 | 20. Unattainable 不可企及的

4. 半神存在:18.immortal不朽永恒 | 19.demigod半神存在 | 20.unattainable不可企及

demigod 双语例句


1. And their demigod still lurks in the forest!


2. Did you forget that this great man, this hero, this demigod, is attacked with a malady of the skin which worries him to death, prurigo?

3. Laotse became demigod sage after he passed the Hangu Gate on the back of a green bull.


4. The enchanted Dryads are the daughters of the Night Elf demigod, Cenarius.

5. It was food and drink to me to look, and look, and look at that demigod; scanning, searching, noting: the quietness, the reserve, the noble gravity of his countenance: the simple honesty that expressed itself all over him; the sweet unconsciousness of his greatness-unconsciousness of the hundreds of admiring eyes fastened upon him, unconsciousness of the deep, loving sincere worship welling out of the breasts of those people and flowing toward him.

6. If, by now, you have concluded that Demigod is an unusual game in many ways, you`re right.


7. The forest demigod Cenarius arrived, to Jarod's poorly concealed astonishment, and returned Malfurion's spirit from the Emerald Dream.

8. Percy's substitute teacher morphs into a mythical beast and tries to attack him, and it's revealed that Percy is the son of Poseidon, and a true demigod.

9. To anyone in later times who knew of Hari Seldon only as a legendary demigod, it would seem almost sacrilegious for him not to have white hair, not to have an old lined face, a quiet smile radiating wisdom, not to be seated in a wheelchair.


10. The Hero Type of Demigod is apotheosizing of the Greek hero where they living in history and realism in Hero Ages, is also the personification of the collective strength and collective wisdom.

11. Grom Hellscream: We orcs are free demigod!

12. Except for their performance in the charity concert in Wembley dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the career of the demigod of the western music industry Trevor Horn (he contributed to the success of albums from Rod Steward, Paul Mc Cartney, Tom Jones, Cher and others), the girls have nothing planned.

13. The number of night elves pursuing their studies with the demigod dwindled, and Cenarius was grieved to realize that all his work had been for naught.


14. However, with Tyrande's patient support, he was able to restrain himself and help his brother find the reclusive demigod, Cenarius.

15. The purpose was dear, to deny Arian ism and to assert that, in spite of the intellectual difficulties involved, Jesus was not a creature or a demigod but god.


16. The road to DemiGod is difficult, but I keep going on......

17. They considered him a demigod and mysterious teacher.

18. People worship this guy like he's a demigod.


19. He once bemoaned his image as a demigod.

20. A demigod is the offspring of a god and a mortal.

demigod 词典解释

1. (神话中的)次神;(尤指)半神半人
    In mythology, a demigod is a less important god, especially one who is half god and half human.

2. 被神化的人,像神一样受人崇拜的人(如政治家、作家、音乐家等)
    If you describe a famous or important person such as a politician, writer, or musician as a demigod, you mean that you disapprove of the way in which people admire them and treat them like a god.

demigod 英英释义



1. a person who is part mortal and part god

    Synonym: daemon

2. a person with great powers and abilities

    Synonym: superman Ubermensch