
demise [dɪˈmaɪz]  [dɪˈmaɪz] 







demise 基本解释


名词死亡; 让位; (不动产的)转让

动词让位; 遗赠

demise 网络解释

1. 死亡:demerit 短处,过失,缺点 | demise 死亡 | demoralize 使沮丧,败坏

2. 批租;转管:demarcation district sheet 丈量约份地图 | demise 批租;转管 | demise charterer 转管租约承租人

3. 出租;转管:demand note 缴款通知书;缴款单 | demise 出租;转管 | demise charterer 转管租约承租人

4. 过户:demise owner 二船东 | Demise 过户 | demise 让位

demise 词典解释

1. 终止;消亡;死亡
    The demise of something or someone is their end or death.

    e.g. ...the demise of the reform movement...
    e.g. Smoking, rather than genetics, was the cause of his early demise.

demise 单语例句

1. demise

1. His probable demise is a cautionary tale of the multiplying threats to the great sturgeons, sought since Roman times for the wealth they yield in meat and caviar.

2. Roger Federer proved reports of his demise as a grand slam champion were wrong when he won his fifth successive US Open title.

3. demise什么意思

3. The judges referred to Article 1813 of the Civil Code ruled the legal obligations of a person would become null and void upon their demise.

4. demise的翻译

4. The paper's demise does not end the questions surrounding Murdoch's media conglomerate, which has been hugely influential in British politics for years.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. But Pakistan played almost as big a role in their own demise, continuing to go for extravagant shots on a pitch offering some sideways movement.

6. Many apparel watchers predict the eventual demise of the skinny that has spurred both adoration and revulsion.

7. A woman who bought a pair of sunglasses from a peddler later found that her cool new shades might lead to her untimely demise.

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. A group of street food advocates plan to put the humble cuisine on the world platform to raise its profile and slow its demise.


9. There are whispers that some local fare is deliberately scheduled for the same time slots as foreign juggernauts to ensure a clean and fast demise.

10. So the demise of the Kyoto Protocol will be no great loss.

demise 英英释义


1. the time when something ends

    e.g. it was the death of all his plans
           a dying of old hopes

    Synonym: death dying


1. transfer by a lease or by a will