1. AAAA shall demobilise and mobilise the designated personnel immediately within 3 and 7 days respectively upon DDD`s request.
2. Meanwhile, the UN`s children`s fund, Unicef, frets that efforts to demobilise child soldiers often miss abused girls under pressure to stay with their abductors.
3. The government persuaded some 30, 000 right-wing paramilitaries to demobilise. It is trying to integrate many of them into civilian life through education and training involving 34, 000 people.
4. Agathon Rwasa, the FNL's leader, has promised either to integrate his fighters into the army or demobilise them within a month.
5. The plan has been for the rival armies to demobilise, to unify, and then to hold elections to decide who rules
6. It is unlikely that the rebels will agree to demobilise.
7. Meanwhile, the UN's children's fund, Unicef, frets that efforts to demobilise child soldiers often miss abused girls under pressure to stay with their abductors.
1. retire from military service
Synonym: demobilize demob
2. release from military service or remove from the active list of military service
Synonym: demobilize inactivate